Have you ever asked a woman out on a date via teh intarw3b?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I did, once, about 6 years. It ended up being my greatest dating experience yet, we went out about 4 times and had an absolute BLAST, but she ended up wussing out and going back to her ex-boyfriend. No, I didn't score, but I did have one of the best times of my life for about a week there.

Anywho, just asked this chick on a date that I've been talking to for awhile, via the internet. Wish me luck, or curse my name, whatever. :Spin:
Not asked them out on a date, but two women have flown to Sweden from foreign countries to meet me, one of them twice.
Tranquillian said:
Not asked them out on a date, but two women have flown to Sweden from foreign countries to meet me, one of them twice.

You must be quite the ladies man! I have asked a girl on a date via the 'net, but I think my experience is void because

a) she was my girlfriend at the time
b) she lived 10 minutes away
c) I was too lazy to pick up the phone.
Been on a shitload of Internet dates ... mostly off of Craigs List. Some were cool, most were fat and one was a stalker. Internet dating is weird, as no matter how much you communicate via email, you build up this fantasy about the other person that most of the time turns into a dissapointment when actually meeting them.

But good luck to you NAD!
I could right now, but since we are already dating it wouldnt be the same.

I have done a few photo searches when I was lonely, there are a few hot chicks that post their pics; but I dont know, I'd be embarassed. Of course give me a few years, and thats all I may have.
i'm with Max on this one, i ask my girlfriend out places all the time on MSN, cause its easier than calling, but those aren't really dates, just doing things.
Demilich said:
i'm with Max on this one, i ask my girlfriend out places all the time on MSN, cause its easier than calling, but those aren't really dates, just doing things.

Tell me your name so I don't seem like a dick.
Marksveld said:
Tell me your name so I don't seem like a dick.

My name is Matt the Imposter ;)

Look, you made me listen to Vintersorg! I haven't done that in a while, and should be punished!

To be fair, though, I mostly know your name from checking out the Wind Through the Trees, Noltem and Aegrimonia websites.
Good luck, Adrian.

@Dan: whoa, you must have magic powers of something. Or magnetism. *drool*
Yes it does Nico. Anytime out with a girl in my mind is a date. There is always potential for romance <3
Yep. Except for one chick who had a wicked smelly pussy. I took down her pants and was ready to stick it to her then said, "uuh, I got to go." hhahahahaha. I left and gave her a phony #, and actually seen her a few months later applying for the same job that I was applying for and it was really fucking awkward. 'Net bithces. pfft.