Have you ever DREAMED about COB?

Silver Incubus

Dead Hands Justin
May 20, 2002
(Near) London, Ontario, Canada
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I had a dream where I met alexi and stuff, but I didn't think it was too strange and all. But last night I had a dream where my band played before them and I was backstage chilling with them and stuff. Then later on in that same dream I was asked to BE IN THE BAND as the fifth member being the permentant replacement. But I don't speak finnish so it was kinda strange why they would pick me. :kickass:
@ BodomiC You are right these people are freaks!

@ The rest of you. If Alexi, or the other boys, showed up in my dream I would throw them the fuck out! Jamie Lee Curtis and Jennifer Love Hewitt are welcome at all times. Dream of COB!

Ih Ih Ih *makes psycho stab motion with ficticious knife*
YES! i dreamed i was reaper chow and i was running for my life along the beaches of lake Bodom being chased by Reapie but then a tree from the treeline extended a branch and grabbed me and like assimilated me into its trunk, and then it was raining Jack Daniels and i tried to catch some with my mouth but then i found out it was Alexi's piss :(

... yeah not really
i had a dream (about a week or so before i saw them live) that i was seeing them live. i didnt meet them, i didnt join the band, i just saw them.

i thought you were saying you wanted to be with jamie lee curtis....then you brought out the knife and all was good
Mine was weird as hell. I was on a bus and I was about to get off, and when I looked to the back of the bus they were all there. Them, along with Timo Tolkki, Jens Johansson, and Shagrath & Mustis of Dimmu Borgir. Hah, and when I woke up the first thing I thought to myself was: "what the fuck?" It was one of the few dreams that I could remember clearly.
I dreamt of SHREK last night!!! :ill: It has nothing to do with COB just thought Iä'd let you all know! He was jamming on a banjo, if my stringed intsrument intuition serves me right! :lol:

The sad part is that it is troo!
Just some normal dreams about after I saw them live which is pretty normal since our subconcious strenghtens our real life experiences and makes us re-live them. Pretty cool.