Have you ever thought...

Brood of Evil

The Drapery Falls
Jan 8, 2003
NS, Canada
If you ever die, or kill yourself, do you think how will people react? Even though if you won't be able to witness it for real, do you imagine what their reactions will be? Will they cry and mourn your departure, will they care that you're not with them anymore? Have you thought about it?

I know this sounds weird, I'm just feeling a little depressed...Even though I'm not capable of suicide, sometimes I feel like I just want all this shit to end already...
I try NOT to think about that shit. I get sick to my stomach when I think about my own death and how people will react to it.
Actually I thought about this, not out of weird sickness...just came to my mind. And I know many ppl who would be really down by my departing... one of the main reasons I would never ever think of suicide. The other is that I love life heh.
Yes i have thought about this. when im very depresed i will sometimes start to think things like that and i dont that think anyone would care...
Brood of Evil said:
If you ever die, or kill yourself, do you think how will people react? Even though if you won't be able to witness it for real, do you imagine what their reactions will be? Will they cry and mourn your departure, will they care that you're not with them anymore? Have you thought about it?

I know this sounds weird, I'm just feeling a little depressed...Even though I'm not capable of suicide, sometimes I feel like I just want all this shit to end already...
The reason I didn't do it was because I didn't want to make certain family members go through whatever they'd go through.
Im pretty sure I would be mourned and missed by at least the people that matters to me and I would never ever kill myself cause of the hell they would go through if I did. Well, I dont have any urge to kill myself anyway cause Im pretty happy and content with life anyway ;)
Thanks for all the opinions guys. As for me, well, as I stated in the post above I'm not capable of commiting suicide. This is mainly because, as Rusty said, I wouldn't like any of my family member to go through the mourning and suffering of my departure. Second to that, it's because I think suicide it's a rather cowardly act.

I could talk about a million reasons for not commiting suicide, but I won't go to that. I think it's a matter of a personal choice, although I'm not saying that if you're my friend (or anyone I know really) I'm going to let you do it because you chose to do it. But I actually mean, that it's a matter of personal choice to find out why you shouldn't do it, what is that little thing that makes your life worth living. I can think of one right now, her name is Selene and I love her like nothing in the world. I'm sure that if you're feeling depressed and you're thinking about ending your life for some reason, think throughly, I know you will find a reason not to. And well if you don't, then think that whatever you're going through at the moment, it's only a test, and it will only help you in the future. After all, as the saying goes ; "If it doesn't kill you, it will only make you stronger".

Now...where's that porn.....
aaah im late ...

anyway ive always always always imagined my funeral. i really enjoy life, i dont want to die and have never considered suicide seriously. before doing that, id probably rob a bank and travel all over the world in a massive man-hunt... err anyway offtopic...

anyway i seem to have a weird obsession with death... i have dreams of my dying, of my loved ones dying... i always imagine how id react if someone i love dies, and how they would react if id die, and i manage to get myself into tears just thinking about it :cry:

but im not depressed :p
and im immortal
Brood of Evil said:
Thanks for all the opinions guys. As for me, well, as I stated in the post above I'm not capable of commiting suicide. This is mainly because, as Rusty said, I wouldn't like any of my family member to go through the mourning and suffering of my departure. Second to that, it's because I think suicide it's a rather cowardly act.

I could talk about a million reasons for not commiting suicide, but I won't go to that. I think it's a matter of a personal choice, although I'm not saying that if you're my friend (or anyone I know really) I'm going to let you do it because you chose to do it. But I actually mean, that it's a matter of personal choice to find out why you shouldn't do it, what is that little thing that makes your life worth living. I can think of one right now, her name is Selene and I love her like nothing in the world. I'm sure that if you're feeling depressed and you're thinking about ending your life for some reason, think throughly, I know you will find a reason not to. And well if you don't, then think that whatever you're going through at the moment, it's only a test, and it will only help you in the future. After all, as the saying goes ; "If it doesn't kill you, it will only make you stronger".

Now...where's that porn.....
I had never, ever felt suicidal in my life... until this last spring. I won't go into the how and why of how I ended up feeling that way, except to say that my life got turned completely upside down and a lot of things that I'd managed to avoid dealing with for a long time all came into the picture at one time. Anyway, there's no way I could describe the feeling, it's always easy to say that 'suicide is a coward's way out' or whatever, but when you're at that point, nothing like that matters one way or the other. Luckily, I only felt that way a few very brief (maybe an hour at a stretch) times, but I guess for some people that's all it takes.

I was really hesitant to write about this here, because I don't know very many people on here and I don't want to come across as a freak, but fuck it. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people who come across as happy and 'normal' when they're actually depressed as fuck, if not necessarily suicidal. I've had three friends commit suicide, and it wasn't until it was too late that anyone saw the signs that there was anything wrong.

This has been a public service announcement...
duckattack said:
I had never, ever felt suicidal in my life... until this last spring. I won't go into the how and why of how I ended up feeling that way, except to say that my life got turned completely upside down and a lot of things that I'd managed to avoid dealing with for a long time all came into the picture at one time. Anyway, there's no way I could describe the feeling, it's always easy to say that 'suicide is a coward's way out' or whatever, but when you're at that point, nothing like that matters one way or the other. Luckily, I only felt that way a few very brief (maybe an hour at a stretch) times, but I guess for some people that's all it takes.

I was really hesitant to write about this here, because I don't know very many people on here and I don't want to come across as a freak, but fuck it. I'm willing to bet there are a lot of people who come across as happy and 'normal' when they're actually depressed as fuck, if not necessarily suicidal. I've had three friends commit suicide, and it wasn't until it was too late that anyone saw the signs that there was anything wrong.

This has been a public service announcement...

Man, that's severe. =/ I completely agree with you on all points. Especially the whole 'suicide is cowardly' thing. I'm also a dood who would have a lot of people mourning after me. I'm not gonna kid myself and say no-one will care; I have a very extensive and extremely close-knit family in america and britain and any passing is difficult. I also have extremely close friends my age....and i'm even very close to my friends' parents too, so hey, if I offed myself, there would be a hell of a lot of grief to go around.

At the same time though, I have extensively contemplated death and suicide and it occurred to me that it's not about cowardice; cowardice is a conscious choice in the face of adversity most often deployed in beneficial terms to self-survival. When a person is severely clinically depressed, it doesn't become an issue of choice. To those people, there are no choices, things are just the way they are, and they may be lucky to see the way-out as surviving no matter what, or they may not be so lucky and off themselves. If suicide is to be associated to any degrading quality, I think it's nearer to selfishness. The single thing that ultimately makes us unique from other animals is our ability to consciously, individually end our own existence. This clashes however with our being a fundamentally social creature, so when other people view the suicidal individual, they tend to retreat into a social mode (animal reaction) and seperate themselves from the human uniqueness that is the decision to end one's life. In the face of this social adversity, the suicidal person who isn't necessarily clinically depressed but instead contemplating suicide through conscious reason is more akin to a deprived individual claiming a liberty they may believe they never had, and therefore exersizing some breed of selfishness, rather than the stigmatized understanding of the act being branded as cowardice in the face of whatever pain they may leave behind.
