have you ever...

made a song that sounds like another song that someone else has made and you never noticed untill someone pointed it out to you? if so, dosnt that piss you off big time? well the reason i am asking this is because i made a song that kinda sounds like that main riff from "cowboys from hell" by pantera. i'll post a link of it once i can get it on my site.
I haven't really done that myself, but I was once in a band with a guy who would always rip off songs from bands like Dark Tranquillity, that I had never heard. He had me learn how to play the songs, and we would jam for hours trying to perfect a song that was ripped off. He wrote lyrics to his unoriginal pieces of shit and everything. So he would just take other bands' songs and rearrange them a bit, write lyrics, and tell me he wrote them. You can only imagine how pissed I was when I found out what he was doing. And when I penalized him for it, he denied that he copied other songs. That asshole was such a fuckin horrible writer anyways, he turned awesome songs into complete shit with his incoherent lyrics and song rearrangements. I eventually quit after getting sick of his bullshit unoriginality.
im ashamed to say that when me and Meedleyx10 were making up one of our songs one day, we were looking for a chord to fit one riff, and i found one, but it sounded like something. so when i playd the notes individually, it turned out to be the first 4 notes of the Dont Fear the Reaper riff by BOC. we havent spoken of that day since now.
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
im ashamed to say that when me and Meedleyx10 were making up one of our songs one day, we were looking for a chord to fit one riff, and i found one, but it sounded like something. so when i playd the notes individually, it turned out to be the first 4 notes of the Dont Fear the Reaper riff by BOC. we havent spoken of that day since now.

Did you leave out the "take my breath away" story on purpose or should i tell it?
theunforgiven246 said:
made a song that sounds like another song that someone else has made and you never noticed untill someone pointed it out to you? if so, dosnt that piss you off big time? well the reason i am asking this is because i made a song that kinda sounds like that main riff from "cowboys from hell" by pantera. i'll post a link of it once i can get it on my site.

I practically tabbed out half of Amon Amarths - Bleed for the Ancient gods :p
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
LMAO naw man i forgot about that ... go for it.


Well v01c740912870917 and i were at band practice one day and he was was showing our key player part of a synth solo in one of our songs. So im in the chair widdling away then all of a sudden im like "hey......play the first measure slow real quick" then he did and i knew i recognized it from something. Then i played it on guitar and switched the phrasing very slightly and turned out we had the chorus line to "take my breath away" (theme song from Top Gun).

wasnt there another incident like this that happened? i could swear there was another but i dont remember what it was.
Meedleyx10 said:

Well v01c740912870917 and i were at band practice one day and he was was showing our key player part of a synth solo in one of our songs. So im in the chair widdling away then all of a sudden im like "hey......play the first measure slow real quick" then he did and i knew i recognized it from something. Then i played it on guitar and switched the phrasing very slightly and turned out we had the chorus line to "take my breath away" (theme song from Top Gun).

wasnt there another incident like this that happened? i could swear there was another but i dont remember what it was.

damnit man get my frkn name right, lol. atleast copy/paste it or something. im pretty sure there was another time like that, too. if i think of it i'll put it on here.
LMAO! That just sparked an idea...If it hasn't already been done before, someone should make a metal version of "Take My Breath Away." It could easily be the most retarded cover ever, but who knows, it might actually sound cool. :headbang: .....Or not
lol that would very easily win the worst cover ever award

v01c3-924u5932759hkfjbgfds ngi34g09m560v35930963higshgfdshg0yt09y67943jhtporewhgoifdshg01948u609853oisehgsoifdgh08q243865utifdsohg80y42t94320rewtw-

you know longer deserve a proper name........your new name on this forum shall be.....sucksatnames, and i demand everyone on this board refer to you as such.
Meedleyx10 said:
v01c3-924u5932759hkfjbgfds ngi34g09m560v35930963higshgfdshg0yt09y67943jhtporewhgoifdshg01948u609853oisehgsoifdgh08q243865utifdsohg80y42t94320rewtw-

you know longer deserve a proper name........your new name on this forum shall be.....sucksatnames, and i demand everyone on this board refer to you as such.
I suck at names?? "Meedleyx10" I suck at names. uh huh. yep... :err:
:tickled: unless you all are also being sarcastic then you need to chill out. We aren't being serious here, he's my drummer and we're really good friends.......the name thing has been a standing joke for over a year now. sheesh
Haha, I guess mr. Andersson had this experience after recording "Watching The Tower of Skies"..
progryche said:
Haha, I guess mr. Andersson had this experience after recording "Watching The Tower of Skies"..

haha yeah man, Visions of New Dawn(time requiem), and the House with A Hundred Windows(space odyssey), too.