Hmm.. OK, lets do head loading 411..
Lets assume you are running the builder, and I am going to go from the very start, so please skip over anything that you already know about..
At the top of the screen there is a file operations button. When you click that, it opens the file operations screen. On the left side of the File Operations screen you'll see two buttons. Installed Head, and Custom Head. Here's a quick run down of what they are and why they are there.
Head case does not let you overwrite a head that you have installed. This is so that you can always go back to it for reference if need be. When you click the Installed Head button, it displays all the heads that you have installed. These are untouched and intact the same way you downloaded them. When you click the Custom head button, you'll see a save icon appear, as well as a Make, and Refresh. You can only save in Custom head mode.
So, what I'm wondering is, make sure that you are in 'Installed Head' mode and try clicking 'Custom Head', and then Installed Head again, maybe it just needs a refresh.. ?
A while ago we released a Head Case 1.01 beta, do you also have that installed? I don't remember this problem being reported before, so sorry about the million questions...This is a new one for me..
Also can you send us a screen shot if you get the chance...That may yield some further information. Thanks for your help on this, its appreciated..