Headcase Lite 1.53 Public Beta Released


Here is a tweaked and revoiced cupernicus. I think I got it to sound what i wanted to (dirt).
It should be little more beefier in builder.
(this is not the same head as the cupernicus VM - the golden/yellow one) Update to Cupernicus : VM will come in few days after having it run it through more tests.

Below is info from the contents file:
#AmpName: Cupernicus II : The Dirty Fella X2

#ToneTags: Blues,Hard Rock, Classic Rock,Heavy Metal,Clean,Bassy

#Author: Amit Talwar

#Cabs : MIMIC, ToneVampire, Kalthalen etc.

#DateOrigin: July 16 2012
#DateCurrent: July 16 2012

#Description: Cupernicus is an amp Primarily based on external Tube Curves (likely from Rockaxe). This Started as a Clean amp and then I added Dirt Channel.
This Dirt Channels are very Bass/ Low Heavy (this is by design) you you should dial the low/bass knob down to control the rumble.
X2 version is an update on previous version and this i have been able to get the tone i wanted in the first place. X2 Version was designed with my Duncan Distortion pickup in a korina/limba body guitar (bit on bright side).

The Dirt Channel does not have a Mid Knob, Use Post Eq or try Different cabs for flavoring.

1. For Starters Keep Master Volume around 50% and then work your way through It.
2. Dial the bottom down on dirt channel, its got extra bass for some ir's.
3. Needless to say like my most other amps, The Combination if the Gain and the Level knob with form your basic tone. More Level = More Chunkier tone with string clarity and bite. Level around 40% will be more like a fluid tone (more warm rounded tone)
compensate volume levels with master knob or cab level after setting up gain and level pair.
4. a Compressor after clean is more or less compulsary unless you are a very even picker.
5. Stomps have be tweaked to different tonaliy. give them a shot if you looking for some change.
6. I am not certain about the channel volume levels overall as well as when switching between one another so , i'd suggest you tweak those to you liking in builder.


Both the Ampskindesigns.com and Virtualampstash.com sites have undergone changes
with new areas available from the side menu's

The changes will be ongoing as we add additional Content. :)

Headcase 1.53 Lite can be downloaded from the links onsite
before commencing your installation of Click and read " Headcase Installation Please Read"


Enjoy testing Headcase the Amps & the Site






Description from about File:

#AmpName: Kreamtone Series - NOVA (+MOD XB)

#ToneTags: Blues,Clean,Light Rock,Jazz,Funk,Soft Rock,Slow Blues

#Author: Amit Talwar

#Cabs : MIMIC (internal) or use as suitable (try redwirez AC30 or showman Ir's for Some classic tones)

#Description: A Derivative of PAMP Emperic. This head is mostly for very starightforward dull clean tones, and can be driven with other stomps for some distorted flavors.

1: Use internal stomps Nose Drive and skull for overdrive
2: due to being clean and mainly playing dynamics it recommended to either use internal limiter or use compressor after it to tame any clipping.
3: This amp should give you good variety with the pickup combinations you have at your disposal thus giving you more natural tone of your guitar.
4: More Heads Will come in Kreamtone Series with Different curves(Tubes) and Character Soon.
5: There are No Tubes(Curves) in Pre-Amp Stage.
6: Works well with simulanalog ds-1 and sd2 stomps as well as Ts for OD tone
7: Throw in some ambient reverb, load some slow bluez/smooth jazz track and be done for the remaining hours of the day/night!
8: The MOD:XB version is basically extra brite version with tight HP filter and different compression and some tone stack tweaks. I use it for a different flavor with my guitar that's a bit dull.
7: These Heads should sound bit better with single coils / humbucker coil taps.
8: For Some good blues fun try the Ambience Plugin with Paddy Guitar JeeHaaa Preset. Ambience can be downloaded from http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/

I'm surprised know one has been Buzzing about headcase. Some of these heads are really amazing and the Idea is Genious. Thanks Ken.

I was expecting 20 pages of opinions and reviews on it.
What i want to know is ...
Are this heads modeled after the schematics of the "real" amp?
Do they actually compare it with clips of the real amp with the same settings?