Headcase Lite 1.53 Public Beta Released

Update!! Vas Mini Browser

What's New in this Update
1: Weblinks (http and https will now open in default browser instead of
being forced into Internet Explorer. (needs testing from users)

2:Code Base modified to Make it Launchable from
Headcase (upcoming versions) (may require more updates)

3. Code has been Tidied up (formatted)

4. Version Checking Has Been Added and it will show a message if new version available. Makes it easier to keep users up to date.

5. Mode Fixes Have been added to make more heads detectable as installed. ( _ get replaced by .) for matches.

Only Decimal Numbers Will be Used for Versios Example 2.1 3.0,4,1 etc and not like 4.5.1 etc

Inside the Zip you will find small file named Vas.Browser.hta


please copy the file to your installed headcase/UserScripts folder,once installed in the UserScripts folder double click on the file to launch
the browser checks to find out what amps you have installed so you are not installing multiple copys of the same amp

Categorys can be chosen from the drop down menu on the left or you can chose to goto the stash or ampskindesigns from the buttons

when you find an amp you would like to try select the install button

This is the one I was refering to. It was almost complete and I decided just to mod a skin from one of the last heads I posted. It just kind of fit the mood for me lol.

Pre-cuts are @ 592Hhz with highs check-marked. This amp is sort of a blend of a couple heads I made. I include a preset because I like how it sounds with Mimic cabs. I'm really curious what others think because I just tried to make something that sounded big and beefy but didn't really wory about if it needed post eq to tame the lows.. That will be up to the user anyway.

I hope to get feedback on the overall sound. I'm actually going to load it up and start messing with external ir's, RW impulses and filter cabs just to see how it sounds. I'm sure each cab solution will change it dramatically.


This is cool because as I see new heads from people, as they begin to make more they develop a style. Where mine and yours differ is I usually HP the precuts at about 80-120, then depending on what type of distortion I'm looking for I use the channel cuts in the gain stage to do further cutting.
There was another user that bypasses the precuts altogether and uses only channel cuts.

There is NO right or wrong way to do it, whatever you find works to get to the final sound you are looking for is the right way. It gets really interesting when you begin to see 2nd and 3rd generations of heads where more than one person has edited it..

Either way, nice stuff.. :)
Head Case LITE Asset Manager by Amit Talwar.

Guys this is the beta version of this awesome tool by Amit. It allows you to more easily work within the confines of the 5 head limit of head case lite. More importantly it allows you to move and change the presets as well as other aspects that are not easily done in head case..

Please give it a try and let us know if you run into any trouble..
Sorry guys, I posted the wrong file earlier. This is now the correct one..

Readme file contents.
Description : Head Case Lite allows up to 10 active heads any time( 5 Installed Heads + 5 Custom Heads) IF you install more than the allowed limit only top 5 (alphabetically) of each type become active.
Head Case Lite Manager(this app) allows you to Select what heads are active, for easy management

Installation and Usage :
1:Copy the HeadCaseLite Manager.exe to you headcase lite installation folder (i.e smae location as your InstalLHeadLite.exe)
2. RUn the Application
3. On the first run it will create a _inactive folder. (HeadCase\Heads\Builds\HeadCaseLite) and move the current over the limit headfiles to this folder.
4. You can double click or use the buttons to move the selected Head from Available to Active and Vice Versa.
This is cool because as I see new heads from people, as they begin to make more they develop a style. Where mine and yours differ is I usually HP the precuts at about 80-120, then depending on what type of distortion I'm looking for I use the channel cuts in the gain stage to do further cutting.
There was another user that bypasses the precuts altogether and uses only channel cuts.

There is NO right or wrong way to do it, whatever you find works to get to the final sound you are looking for is the right way. It gets really interesting when you begin to see 2nd and 3rd generations of heads where more than one person has edited it..

Either way, nice stuff.. :)

Glad you posted this Ken, it's good info. Seeing or reading how others achieve their sounds is a great way to learn. Lord knows it's a way to discover what I may have missed or hadn't thought of.

I have tried to target certain sounds and have actually kept switching between my heads and other user heads just to compare how different users try to reach common tones. Usually with quite different approaches :)



Corvino - Legato‏ -Leirbagpdl

Glad you posted this Ken, it's good info. Seeing or reading how others achieve their sounds is a great way to learn. Lord knows it's a way to discover what I may have missed or hadn't thought of.

I have tried to target certain sounds and have actually kept switching between my heads and other user heads just to compare how different users try to reach common tones. Usually with quite different approaches :)


Yep, everyone develops their own style... The premise that some users have is that ABG heads would be better because we wrote the software. Given the way heads are designed, in that your ear plays a major role in it, that is a false way of thinking. Our heads are no different than anyone elses..
New !!


Box TB40 by Parkway


Cheers S1770
New !!

British Megaquack


Duck voice of Metal - Leirbagpdl


The swedish virtuoso - Leirbagpdl


he die young - Leirbagpdl

Hi guys, I wanted to give you a sneak peak at somne of the features that have been enabled in Head Case 1.54. Right now I only have the Builder done, but nevertheless some of these features will be added to the Suite, and the rest of the head case plugs.

I am happy to say that for the first time, head case will have MIDI control. This was a bit of a pain for me because I have never written any midi control code before. So, it was a bit of a learning curve.

I tried to make it as easy as possible. Select the knob or switch that you want to control, click learn, step on a switch on your midi controller, and click stop learning. Thats it.. Oh and click save when you're done.
There is an enable button, and an Inverse button. I'm sure this will get a lot more sophisticated as I learn and use midi control myself for now its a start...

Locking Controls.
One of the things that bothered me and Amit about builder was that sometimes you would miss the knob and click in the drag area. You would end up moving your knob somewhere that you don't want it. This allows you to lock the controls in place so this does not happen.

Third Party Applications and scripts.
Head Case builder now has an interface that will allow you to easily get to the scripts and apps.

No more going to windows explorer to run a script or app. Just use the above program to select what apps or scripts you want made available, they will be made available in the apps menu shown below.

Other news about 1.54. We will be lifting the 10 head limit for head case lite demo, and we will be enabling head categories as well.

I hope to have this available to the pre-purchase forum by Saturday, and a full final (cross your fingers) beta release by Thursday.
Vas Browser 3.31

Thanks to Amit for continuing to Update the Browser
Inside the Zip you will find VAS_BROWSER.hta
please copy the file to your installed headcase/UserScripts
folder overwriting the older version

once installed in the UserScripts folder double click on the file to launch

the browser checks to find out what amps you have installed so you are not installing multiple copys of the same amp
there is more information on the amp within the more info section as seen in the image below

Categorys can be chosen from the drop down menu on the left or you can chose to goto the stash or ampskindesigns from the buttons

when you find an amp you would like to try select the install button


Vas Browser 3.3.1
Built in England
Great Amps back in the days of Glam Metal
Bon-jovi Endorsed and Used KMD
KMD is no longer around they were discontinued
so if you into Charvel, Jackson,Kramer or Hammer Guitars
Give it a spin:)


Thanks Must go out to Jac ( MMJ ) for completing the Amp !


A little info from the creator.

it's quite different sounding than your everyday head. more on fuzzed/muffed side.

warning: This is no metalhead

below is info from it's about file:
#AmpName: Cubano

#ToneTags: Rock,Dirty,Fizzy,Fuzzy,Muffy,Sweet Harmonics, Santana'ish

#Author: Amit Talwar

#Cabs : MIMIC (internal) or use less Pres Cabs, filtercabs

#Description: A Dirty and Fizzy/Fuzyy Head. A Bit in Santana territory and bit in iommi's.

1. This has got a lot of high fizz. you'll have to tame that using cut knob or external eq
2. Ths Head is Primariily for very warm leads kinda sounds, close to a reed sounds. Specially with less attack.
3. A good deal of compresson followed by a fluid delay is just about the perfect setup for this head.
4. may not work very well with high treble/pres Ir's.
5. To Some it may sound as if there is no cab attached (and that is sort of sound i am after), like a wet speaker cone cut with blunt knife blades and abused with beer.
6. Pres Knob at lower settings changes tonality . A happy accident
7.Use Guitars Volume Control with this Head to clean up.
8.This is a noisy head to bear than in mind.
9. This is a head with over abundant harmonics and filth, so if that's not your type it'll be crap to your ears.
10. Use the Level knob to control tightness. Lower Values (up to 35%) yield fatter tones and anything above makes for chunkier.
11. The curves give more or less unbiased (tubes) feel to it loathed with gain.
12. Use Filtercabs for mellower santanaland tones.

New!!Prepurchasers, Head Case builder 1.54 with MIDI control, Locking knobs/switches, and External App integration released at the private pre-purchasers beta forum.

