Heathen Crusade - a BIG thanks to Paul and ND

BlackwaterNymph said:
I have several photos I'll be uploading later. Some of which probably shouldn't be posted. Like the ass and vomit photos.

And agreed - amazing show and it was great getting to hang with you again, Paul. Even if it involved hairy man ass and security guards on power trips.

You have a picture of my ass? Oh lordy.
For the benefit of THIS forum, I'll post my Novembers Doom shots, and I apologize in advance for them not being pro-quality. I was more concerned with headbanging and having fun than taking the best possible pics. You'll get some idea of the coolness of ND on stage at least :D

Also, I encourage everyone to at least check out my super-long (w/ 100 pics, no less) recap thread, since I took about 3 hours to write it! LOL

Recap thread (Royal Carnage forum): http://ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=225209

Pics of ND:








Here's one of Larry, with my RC Forum gang

A different take from the late-night hotel room w/ Paul

Last but not least, one for the ladies (this is me, btw, courtesy of Belgar) :tickled:

Yeah, that's my underwear in my hand. :lol:
tattooedsean666 said:
I truly enjoyed your set again. I feel lucky for having seen you guys both at Days of the Equinox and out there in Minnesota!

Sean I tried looking for you after we talked for a whole 5 seconds haha, but you vanished on me. I'm glad you enjoyed the show thanks for the support!
Christ, you guys were so fucking good at the Crusade.. best you guys have sounded yet for sure.. even better than Day of Equinox which was crushing. Glad you guys made it!

The whole fest was just great...well worth the trip.

valgalder said:
Christ, you guys were so fucking good at the Crusade.. best you guys have sounded yet for sure.. even better than Day of Equinox which was crushing. Glad you guys made it!

The whole fest was just great...well worth the trip.


Aha! I wondered who the dude in the Doom hoodie was. Mystery solved. I have the pictures uploaded, but need to resize them. I'll post them tonight, hopefully. I have a short video clip as well, if anyone wants it.

The Dave Matthews Band loving boyfriend of mine has taken over my Pale Haunt shirt when he's not sporting the festival shirt I brought him. I really hope you guys will help inspire him to listen to some decent music.

This fest was so worth getting sick for the third time in 8 weeks.
wildfyr said:
That was a shitty snowstorm. Glad you guys had a great time and made it back alive! :)

Btw, who was the brave soul who actually drove through the storm?
Yeah, the snowstorm was awful. I had a friend of mine from Indy that was driving and was picking me up on the way up there. She was going to get here around noon but then a friend of hers wanted to go with and they didn't ge here to Chicago area til 4pm. I told them there was a storm coming through soon. We saw cars in the ditch on I90 towards Rockford, one car spun out right in front of us. We were lucky that it didn't hit us. Then saw a bunch more cars in the ditch when we made it into Wisconsin. Then the drivers side windshield wiper flew off the car. Drove for several miles like that til we could exit and buy a new one to replace it. We were suppsoed to have picked up friends flying in from Boulder and Portland but there was no way we were going to ge there in time and told them to get a cab to the hotel and get our rooms. The guy flying in from Portland was to have a layover at O'Hare but got re-routed to Denver. So, while their there at the hotel partying with some of the guys from Moonsorrow, we were driving in bad conditions. It didn't clear up until we were north of Madison. Finally , made it up there at almost 1 in the morning. And then Nemtheanga from Primordial came stumbling into our room drunk off his ass and partied with him for a couple of hours. He told some funny stories.

Novembers Doom kicked ass that night, so did Todesbonden, The Chasm and Primordial.
Yep, it was between Rockford and the Wisconsin border that we got hit. We were lucky to be able to exit when we did, it got real bad REAL fast. And what irony that it only snowed for those several hours that particular night? If you want nice weather, don't book a Novembers Doom gig. The bad weather follows us around, I swear.
We saw cars in the ditches as well. Driving a big ass van like we were was not good, because it caught the wind gusts really hard, and we came damn close to being in that ditch as well. As much as we were sweating the possibility that we might not make it to the show in time, there was just no way we could continue driving that night. At least we made it!

Thanks for the props, btw. We've been working hard at putting on a better and better performance every time we play, I hope it's paying off.
There were snowstorms in Arizona too. Alan (Primordial) came out to Arizona for a couple days after the Fest to hang out. We decided to drive up to the Grand Canyon yesterday and on the way there we were caught in a small snowstorm, icy roads, sliding cars, accidents. Made it through that only to have the Canyon shrouded in fog. Oh well.

Thanks again to Novembers Doom for toughing it out and putting on a great show! We were very happy that you were able to make it!
Haven't posted here yet and wanted to make sure I did. Quick shout out to everyone here for helping to make Heathen Crusade so memorable and enjoyable. November's Doom were easily one of the absolute highlights in a day and night filled with highlights. The afterparty in the room that General Zod and I were sharing was equally memorable in it's own way, LOL.

Thanks again for everything and it was an honor meeting and hanging out with you Paul. I'm easily hooked on ND now and can't wait for the new album whenever it comes out - if the direction has that heavy undertone displayed on Pale Haunt I'm sure I'll love it. :worship:

BlackwaterNymph said:
This is classic. I don't know what face Paul is making back there. Paul?

Haha! Take 2... That's great. :tickled:

Thanks for the link to your fotos. I really enjoyed viewing them. What the heck is going on in this shot?


Oh well. Linkie no workie. :loco:
All I know after seeing all these photos is that I wish I owned stock in Nevermore merchandise!!!!! :)

Sounds like it was a blast, despite the snow.

I saw a few folks last night at House of Blues in Heathen Crusade t shirts, and I myself was sporting a Novembers Doom shirt....