Heaven & Hell - THIS Sat night....

I have only taken quick peaks at the posted setlists so far.
So I have SOME idea of what is going to be played, but not the whole thing.

Supposedly Megadeth has been playing really well too.

I haven't seen them since Dave Jr left.

Also, 2/5 of the original Vio-Lence line-up is now in Machine Head.
You think if I yell loud enough they will play "Eternal Nightmare"????

The Martin era is the second best Sabbath era.

Don't be hating on Ozzy simply because of what he has become today.
The Ozzy-era Sabbath is possibly the most essential metal ever laid down on tape.
(I am also assuming that you feel DIO is the "best" era).
Don't be hating on Ozzy simply because of what he has become today.
The Ozzy-era Sabbath is possibly the most essential metal ever laid down on tape.

I'd have to agree. Ozzy's work today isn't very good, but the stuff he did with Sabbath laid down a huge foundation for most metal today.

Though I can't deny the awesomeness of the Dio and Martin eras. I wouldn't say the Martin era is the best, but I will say that I think it's highly underrated.

That said: I'm getting more exicted by the day for Heaven & Hell! :)
I'd have to say I like Ozzy Sabbath the most, for being the original one and the groundbreaking albums, but Dio comes next, then Tony Martin, then Glenn Hughes. Glenn Hughes kicks a lot more ass and sings a lot better on Iommi's solo albums than on Seventh Star, IMO. I own all the Dio albums too, and they're pretty awesome (except Angry Machines, that album is just... weird).

Saladbar - It's true, you are pretty awesome.

For the Tony Martin era... The albums go like this:

The Eternal Idol - Decent album, but only real "standout" track is The Shining.

Headless Cross - Amazing album, but a bit poppy. The title track owns face. Some really cool guitar solos (I think Brian May from Queen does a guest solo on Devil and Daughter), but for some reason they left one of the coolest tracks OFF the album [Cloak & Dagger], and I can't seem to find it.

TYR - Another amazing album, with some really cool lyrical themes and less poppy of a sound. Though "Feels Good To Me" is a definite ballad, but when the distortion kicks in (and the epic guitar solo) makes up for it.

Cross Purposes - My personal favorite of all the Tony Martin era albums, it features some of his best vocal performances and some good Iommi material.

Forbidden - Yeah, definitely the bottom of this stack... My least favorite Black Sabbath album (I really like Technical Ecstasy, Born Again, and Never Say Die, just so you know), but it still has a few good tracks on it. Though I could do without "Illusion of Power" which has Ice-T rapping on it. That was a facepalm "WTF!?" moment.

Yet, Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules, and Dehumanizer are just a step above. More pounding and driving than Tony Martin era stuff. But it's ALL good.
Ok, you have made a valid argument in favor of the Martin era Sabbath.
That being said, I don't know how you could put those albums ahead of ANY album which was fronted by Ian Gillan.

Born Again tops some of the Ozzy-fronted albums, IMHO.
TYR - Another amazing album, with some really cool lyrical themes and less poppy of a sound. Though "Feels Good To Me" is a definite ballad, but when the distortion kicks in (and the epic guitar solo) makes up for it.

This is my favorite Martin-era album. :)

And you win at life for your convincing argument. I need you around next time people diss non-Ozzy or non-Dio Sabbath.
I agree, the production on BORN AGAIN is awful.
I never picked up the non-legit Castle reissue of it either.

I assume RHINO owns the rights to this album.
I hope they give Heaven and Hell through Born Again the proper reissuing they deserve!
Oh, I wanted to tell you guys something funny.
For some reason, my wife can not remember the name of the band I am seeing this weekend.

She goes to me, "Who are you seeing again on Saturday? Is it Black Slayer?"
I go, "Ummm..no, for the 10th time, Black Sabbath"
(She is not into metal at all, so I wasn't going to explain to her the whole Dio-era being called Heaven & Hell thing to her...)

She goes, "Oh, ok. That's right. Though you do like a band with Slayer in the name right?"

Me - "Um...you mean Slayer? Yeah, I like them. Though you could be onto something with BLACK SLAYER. Like a metal band from Compton".

I let it go at that. Probably doesn't seem funny typed here on the forum, but it was a hoot hearing her call Sabbath "BLACK SLAYER" repeatedly all week.

Carry on!
I have the 1996 remaster of Born Again and the production isn't quite so bad, but it definitely leaves something to be desired. The guitar tone is quite muddy, too, but there's some awesome songs on it. Like "Trashed" which is utterly hilarious.

And you win at life for your convincing argument. I need you around next time people diss non-Ozzy or non-Dio Sabbath.

I'd be glad too. :)

My favorite Black Sabbath albums are... Paranoid, Dehumanizer, and Cross Purposes. I know Paranoid is heralded as being overrated, but to be fair it WAS my first metal album ever.
I don't think Paranoid is overrated, it's still my favorite Ozzy-Sabbath record.

Cross Purposes is my fav. with Tony Martin

Heaven and Hell is probably my favorite metal record ever!

And Born Again is in a category in itself, the album rules.
My anger/jealousy is increasing as the show draws nearer. :mad:

Could be the last chance to see Dio fronting Sabbath, ever!
(though anything is possible).

We talked about this dude.........

In 10 years when you are working in your cushy job, no one will give a rat's ass about what grade you got on that one exam when you are in college.

You won't even remember the exam you took, but you WILL remember seeing Dio fronting Sabbath.

I think you know what you need to do....... :Smokin:
I know I am going to sound like a bad influence here.
Let me tell you something, brother! (in Hulk Hogan voice.. hahaha)


At this stage in the term, your instructor for the most part knows what he or she will be giving you as a grade. The final is a mere formality. Sure, if you are on the borderline of failing (Which I am sure you guys are not), then it might make a difference. If you have been getting consistent grades all term, chances are that will be the grade you get for the course.

As I said, in 2 years you WON'T remember the exam you took, but you WILL remember Dio fronting Sabbath!