Heaven & Hell - THIS Sat night....

Must have been your seats, a buddy of mine taped the show and both deth and heaven and hell sounded great on the recording.

Is your friend a trader? I would love to get copies of both bands' performance.

Machine Head should just give it up. Talk about a band that can't decide what kind of sound they want to go for. Sure, a couple of songs had some cool 80's-style thrash groove to them, but overall it was very mall-coreish. At least to me anyways.
Is your friend a trader? I would love to get copies of both bands' performance.

Machine Head should just give it up. Talk about a band that can't decide what kind of sound they want to go for. Sure, a couple of songs had some cool 80's-style thrash groove to them, but overall it was very mall-coreish. At least to me anyways.

Sort of, he's more of a recorder than just gives it out to a few close friends to do the trading. I'll be getting a copy of it when I meet up with him in Detroit, I'd be more than willing to provide you with a copy of both bands...he does a great job, he knows his gear and where he needs to be for the recording to come out perfect every time.
That was one badass concert. I had fun spazzing out with fans around me as we all sang "Die Young." :D

I missed Megadeth though, because Al forgot the tickets half way to the venue and we had to turn around and retrieve them. :(
Sort of, he's more of a recorder than just gives it out to a few close friends to do the trading. I'll be getting a copy of it when I meet up with him in Detroit, I'd be more than willing to provide you with a copy of both bands...he does a great job, he knows his gear and where he needs to be for the recording to come out perfect every time.

Thanks!! That would rule!!! I have some live shows I would be willing to burn for you in return , if you are interested. Please shoot me a PM when you get them. You rule!
Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle for the DVD of the New York show...

But, about time there was an official DVD of Dio fronted Sabbath. The 1992 concert I have the bootleg video from isn't the greatest quality, and lord knows the so called "Live Evil" footage will never surface any more than the 5 or so minutes that have already.
Fantastic show! It surpassed any expectation that I had. I thought I saw everyone that was going, but alas I didn't see Jason, Larry or Rebecca. Ran into Rob and Chris and other people. I'm actually amazed that I saw as many people as I did. There were a lot of old school drunken/pot smokin' morons though. Not that I diss the marijauna fans, but there was this dude next to me that kept taking hits off of his pipe continuously for the last 30 minutes of Heaven and Hell. There was no avoiding the contact buzz, ugh.

Megadeth slayed. I know it's essentially the "Dave Mustaine Experience" these days, but if you close your eyes it's still freakin' Megadeth.

With Machinehead, you've got to take them for what they are. Are they breaking new metal grounds? No. Am I still a fan? Yep, though I am more fond of the older material. Glad they still put those into the mix.:)
With Machinehead, you've got to take them for what they are. Are they breaking new metal grounds? No. Am I still a fan? Yep, though I am more fond of the older material. Glad they still put those into the mix.:)

Well you know what they say!
If you don't have anything nice to say....... :lol:

All I gotta say is if I ever see Phil Demmel and Rob Flynn on stage together again, they better be playing some Vio-Lence!!!
:cool: Yeah, I was at the show too. It was awesome! :worship: I have not been to a big indoor arena show in a loooong time. Ronnie, Geezer, Tony and Vinnie were in top form and sounded great. I went with my friend Marc, which was fitting considering we spent 3 years in a DIO tribute band together. It was cool to see all the tunes done by the masters themselves!

The only people I saw there that I knew were Rob & Dan from Twelfth Gate and the back of Jason's shirt as he walked away (how can you miss the Novembers Doom logo!:lol: ). I know quite a few other people I know were there, but it was pretty packed...

I was a little disappointed that Machine Head only played like 4 or 5 songs, but what can you do when Megadeth & Sabbath are on the bill? However, I was actually really impressed with Megadeth. I have not really been into them since the "Rust in Peace" and "Countdown to Extinction" eras, plus when I saw them recently at Gigantour, I was REALLY disappointed and have pretty much written them off. However, at this show, they pretty much kicked ass. I liked how they picked all of their faster tunes and were just jammin' them out back to back and barely talking in between songs.

The stage show for H&H was pretty awesome! The brick pillars and iron gates really put you in the metal mood. Plus, the video screens and the lighting effects were top notch. Needless to say... The music rocked too! With the exception of the fact that they didn't play "Wishing Well", the setlist was just about perfect! I can hardly believe that 30 years later, these guys are rockin' out with so much energy and sounding so damn good! Dio is one of my favorite singers ever and this show reminded me why! Speaking of favorites, I simply bow to the fact that I was in the same room as Geezer Butler:worship: (even if it was a really REALLY big room:lol: ).

I had a hard time coming up with the cash for the tickets, but I'm glad I went. It was really worth it and probably a concert that will go down in history as one of my favorite ones ever!:headbang:
Thanks!! That would rule!!! I have some live shows I would be willing to burn for you in return , if you are interested. Please shoot me a PM when you get them. You rule!

Will do man, hopefully he'll have em by the Detroit show, if not I'll probably have the flac files in the next week or two but either way I'll let ya know!
Errr... tried to post this while the board was burping or something. Here it is again. Hope it doesn't show up twice. ;)

Ok, there's reason to second-guess myself about Trouble as one of the openers for the '92 Black Sabbath show @ the Aragon. I did some digging and found the July 1992 issue of the Illinois Entertainer in my massively disorganized packrat collection of local music periodicals. According a cluster venues ad that month evidently Love/Hate is listed after Danzig.


My sincerest apologies for not looking this up before posting possible erroneous info, if that's what it turns out to be. For some reason I have the notion that Trouble has opened for Black Sabbath before, but I could have been confusing the Pantera date or another date entirely in this case, although I'm still not sure. Just because it says Love/Hate in the ad doesn't mean that a fourth band band didn't play. It's also possible L/H was scheduled to play but didn't. I have a ticket stub that says Iron Maiden/Guns-n-Roses but that was not the case. It ended up being Iron Maiden/Megadeth (front-row seats, too). :D

I still think we have a good Trouble Trivia question here, in need of a definitive answer. Unfortunately I think my cred in this matter is totally shot now, though. :p To be proven right or wrong at some point would settle it once and for all. Perhaps a promoter, venue owner, band member or roadie knows for sure. Probably not the ones whose memory is dodgy, like mine. ;)
Maybe you are thinking of when Trouble played with Slayer and Danzig.
(I was at that one).

And I think that later that year Trouble opened for Danzig at the Metro.
(the scene of the "Twist of Cain" video for you old timers!)