Heaven & Hell - THIS Sat night....

Not when the exam is 33% of your grade.

Anyhow, rumor has it, if they're still getting along, that they'll make another round in the fall. Let's hope for that. :p

Well, I recall people skipping seeing Immortal opening for Manowar, since Immortal were to be on the Gods of Metal tour with Halford.
What did that tour last, like 5 dates?

Live in the now brother!!!

Ok, enough bothering you guys. Good luck on the exams!

We'll try not to rub it in TOO much.....
Who the hell am I kidding? Of course we will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason is right....no one cares in the job world about grade point averages. Off to my job at Arby's.

Yes, but you got promoted quickly to head fryer, even faster than that kid with the 3.8 GPA. Are you guys still cooking the fries in the same oil as the chicken strips? Sounds gross, but it gives dem chicken strips a nice potatoey flavor! YUM!

That's funny :)


Darn!!! I got busted by the teacher!!!! :lol:

Ok Ken, but in all honesty, if a student has consistently gotten an A or a B during the term, 9 times out of 10, wouldn't said student receive that grade on the final?

Have you ever had a student who was performing well during the term have their final grade diminish based on the final exam?

I could see this being a concern if you currently were getting a C or D, and you were close to getting an incomplete.
Ok Ken, but in all honesty, if a student has consistently gotten an A or a B during the term, 9 times out of 10, wouldn't said student receive that grade on the final?

Very probably, yes. But if they didn't, then their score on the final exam has whatever influence on their final grade that is has. If it drops them to like a 89.95 average, then I'm likely to call that an A-. If they has a 92% going in, bombed the exam and ended up with an 87% average, their A is gone.

Have you ever had a student who was performing well during the term have their final grade diminish based on the final exam?

Yes. And I've had students rescue a poor grade through excellent performance on the exam. It works both ways.

I could see this being a concern if you currently were getting a C or D, and you were close to getting an incomplete.

The same score that lowers a C to an F would lower an A to a C.

It looks like I'll probably be at the Detroit show rather than this one....gotta go where you can get the hook ups I guess since ticket prices are outrageous.
I hope you bastards are enjoying yourselves...


Just got home.
Don't know what else to say except that it kicked serious amounts of bootie, as expected.

Big surprise of the night actually was Megadeth.
I hadn't given them much thought at all considering it was Dave Mustaine with yet another new line-up. Holy smokes! They played with more energy than I have ever seen them play. Great setlist too.

As I said, H&H kicked arse. Highlights for me were Die Young and Sign of the Southern Cross. :headbang: My only complaint, and maybe someone else who was there could address this as well, was that at times their set didn't flow very smootly. (IE - The crowd almost lost interest for a song or two, then out of nowhere, everyone snapped out of it and were rockin again) Maybe it was just the people around me or something. Their stage show was cool as hell too.

I can go into more detail when I am not as tired.....
The Heaven and Hell show last night was pretty sweet! I arrived too late to see Machine Head. Megadeth's set was solid indeed. Some of the tracks in the set were: Peace Sells..., Tornado of Souls, Hangar 18, Washington's Next. Dave said they'd be coming back around again soon. I hope they do because they're still tight as ever on stage. I recall reading someone's negative comment about the current Megadeth line-up at another UM Forum recently (probably RC). I don't agree. They can still deliver the goods live. Last night was proof.

Next was Heaven and Hell, not the Chicago tribute band but those guys were there last night at the Allstate taking in the show. ;) It was so nice to see this show - again. The first time was at the Amphitheatre on Oct 1, 1980 during "The Black and Blue Tour" when Sabbath were promoting the Heaven and Hell album. Blue Öyster Cult were also on that bill, thus the name for the tour. What a greeeat show that was. Anyone remember the Amphitheatre, aka, "The Barn"?


Mmmhmm. Can you say old?

Twelve years later I witnessed another incarnation of Black Sabbath with RJD at the Aragon on August 1, 1992.


Ahhh. Fun times.

Which brings us to today, 15 years later



Highlights of the night were Children Of The Sea, Falling Off The Edge Of The World, Die Young, Heaven and Hell, the new ones they did even though I'm not familiar with them yet, and also that evil-sounding vocal effect and red light that RJD uses occasionally. The light show was pretty good even though my seat location was off to the side in the balcony. I couldn't take in the full frontal attack but it was still pretty good from where I was sitting. Only had the cell phone cam on me, too, and I found out later that other cameras were not restricted for this show. Oh well, too late now.

I caught a glimpse of Rob in the lobby, so I know he was there. I noticed some other people other than the H&H (tribute) guys as well, but no one else from the forum. Where was everyone?!
From a far distance in the lobby, I saw Larry, and then later on Rachel, but not close enough to say hello or anything. I saw Dan (Danimal) breeze past me too but I was in line for the restroom, and no way was I getting out of it!!!!

Too bad you weren't facing the stage. They had video to go with most of the songs.

That's awesome you saw them the other times they came.

Did Danzig support them in 92 at the Aragon? I recall the tour, but was not there.
Hmm, I only did one quick walk around the lower level during the break between Megadeth and Heaven and Hell so I wasn't quite the social butterfly flittering around. The ticket was purchased at the box office before the show. I was hoping to luck out and land a kick-ass seat but by the time I arrived the only tix going were up in Section 210. Much to my surprise that's where the H&H tribute guys were sitting but they were right on the rail in the front row of that section while I was up in Row K.

Yes, I do believe it was Danzig and Trouble opening the Aragon show in '92. I don't remember if Trouble had the joint rack then or not. They did when they opened for Pantera. You can see it in one of the Vulgar Vids.

I could see some of the videos you mentioned every once in a while during the show. There was something that looked like fire within what looked like some castle windows in the backdrop. Is that correct? It may have been during one of the 3 new songs they did (2nd one), but I may be mistaken about that. Also, Mob Rules was another cool highlight. =)

I took a few pics and a short video clip of Megadeth during Washington's Next but the pics came out too blurry and the video clip wasn't worth keeping. I'd love to get some good close-up pics of Megadeth some day. It would've been really cool to be down there in the Allstate photo pit tonight! I could see those lucky dogs down there from my seat. I hope one of them got a good shot of RJD in that red light! :headbang:
Cool, I didn't know Trouble played that Aragon show. Were they on the whole tour or just the Chicago show?

They had three small windows above Vinny that portrayed video.
Usually, it was an album cover shot (IE - Mob Rules during Mob Rules).
They had some video too. They did some cool effects with the lighting. I forgot what song it was, but there was a lighting sequence where it looked like it was raining on stage (Maybe Children of the Sea??)
I'm really straining the memory banks on the openers for the '92 show so I hope I'm not mistaken. I don't think Trouble did the whole tour with them. The Chicago date may have been the only one they did for that tour but I'm not absolutely certain of it. It's possible they may have done other nearby cities (regional dates) on that tour. This btw, is a good Trouble Trivia question. :)

Thanks for the further info about the visuals. I thought it looked like windows but perhaps it was rain instead of fire. Maybe I should see about going to the show next Saturday at Cobo Hall in Detroit to check it out again? :D
Watched the first 30 seconds of Machine Head and that was enough for me. Just not a big fan of theirs.

Megadeth tore it up, and was easily the best band of the night. I loved seeing them rip through a set of their heaviest and fastest songs. Finally got to hear them do Tornado of Souls live (I had only seen them on the CW and Risk tours).

Sabbath was cool, but beyond boring. Opening with a slow, doomy song after Megadeth wipes the stage with a set of speed metal songs was a silly choice. I also don't like how Dio ad-libs a lot of his vocal melodies. It makes it hard to sing along. :loco:

We stayed until they closed the set (I assume) with Heaven and Hell. It had been a long day and after dealing with a lot of stupid, drunk assholes next to us, we were ready to call it a night.

Overall, the volume was way too loud, and everything sounded distorted, which sucked. You could barely understand any of Dio's vocals. It was cool to see Sabbath with Dio, since I'll probably never get another chance to see them again. If I did, I'm not sure I would go since they didn't really live up to my expectations. I just don't like how they were too loud, and slowed down a lot of the songs to give the set a slow, sludgy, boring pace.

Megadeth owned though. :headbang:
Watched the first 30 seconds of Machine Head and that was enough for me. Just not a big fan of theirs.

Megadeth tore it up, and was easily the best band of the night. I loved seeing them rip through a set of their heaviest and fastest songs. Finally got to hear them do Tornado of Souls live (I had only seen them on the CW and Risk tours).

Sabbath was cool, but beyond boring. Opening with a slow, doomy song after Megadeth wipes the stage with a set of speed metal songs was a silly choice. I also don't like how Dio ad-libs a lot of his vocal melodies. It makes it hard to sing along. :loco:

We stayed until they closed the set (I assume) with Heaven and Hell. It had been a long day and after dealing with a lot of stupid, drunk assholes next to us, we were ready to call it a night.

Overall, the volume was way too loud, and everything sounded distorted, which sucked. You could barely understand any of Dio's vocals. It was cool to see Sabbath with Dio, since I'll probably never get another chance to see them again. If I did, I'm not sure I would go since they didn't really live up to my expectations. I just don't like how they were too loud, and slowed down a lot of the songs to give the set a slow, sludgy, boring pace.

Megadeth owned though. :headbang:

Must have been your seats, a buddy of mine taped the show and both deth and heaven and hell sounded great on the recording.