Helicopter crash in NY?


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Apparently a helicopter/small plane has crashed into a building in NY, just wanted to check with the NY guys if they knew anything about it, and that none of them were in the building... Upper east side, apparently :)

It's constantly being updated on the news here, apparently it doesn't look like terrorism.
i can see it from my window ...
whatever it may be its still a fucking creepy feeling ...
accident or not...just goes to show that you can still fly planes into buildings.

NYC = sitting duck

where the heck were the supposed anti-aircraft missiles? I thought the policy was to shoot planes out the sky before they hit the building? As Erik said, maybe it was the missile that hit the building, missing the helicopter altogether!! :loco:

So I'm stuck in the city and they've shut down the goddamn subway station. I wonder if I can take fluids on to the train home tonight.
bwahahaha @ erik and this entire thread.
If I was going to crash an airplane into something accidentally, I'd jump out in the opposite direction and roll when I hit the ground. Never get hurt that way.