Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Gotta rematch going for the drinking contest on Friday, my last Nosturi party will I come back in Dec!!! Ahh, another party there last night, and then me and two old friends that i knew from my 2nd week here went to their place, where we drank whisky and listened to Lost Horizon, Europe and Sanctuary till 7 am. :lol:

and i am still recovering from the aftermath of my drunken WWF match last night with witnesses. Oh, ouch. :lol: But i got some good hits in yes i did :D
Cos i would rather buy booze with my money, damnit!! :lol:

Zsu: Yep, i got marks, but so did the winner of the wrestling match so it's all good :p I mean, I ran full force, thinking 57 kilos jumping at and hitting someone would work, but they just catch me. wtf??? :lol:

Ahh well, dirnking contest rematch this Friday! More drunkeness ensued last night as well but damn, no more lime soda for me it's been ruled...all the sugar in it jacked me so bad my breathing was funny. a little scary but i recovered.
Oi, where is going to be the drinking party rematch held? Hope it's not Nosturi again so i can witness it as well ;)

Btw I'll go back to Hki on wednesday night, if i end up there around 10pm I might visit Corner. Yu plan to go there? (silly question :p )
It's at Nosturi again. But we have another pal coming back from Tampere on Friday, so we will both get in touch for that day to maybe hang out again! I was told there was gonna be an 'early start' friday with the contest o_O

Well, my cash is tight and stuff, gotta add to the booze for the contest, but I think i can swing Corner on Wed!! :D We do need to sit and take a drink! Yeah, i kinda miss Corner since i've been at Nosturi mainly, so I gotta pay the place a visit again!
Don't worry, i'm not too well with cash either so it depends... also on Ville, coz if he doesn't wanna tag along then i might just stay home becuse he has to go back to Kemi on thursday morning. So at least one night together, heh..

But I already agreed with Sami (from Finntroll) that we'll hit Corner during the weekend ;) So at least weekend = Corner is sure :p
Sami! Havnt seen him since the first Nosturi party! Yeah, Friday is the party but afterward we may end up wandering to corner. Then again I might end up passed out on Nosturis couch with a sleeping bag tucked over me again. Or i'll end up with more bumps and bruises that i always seem to get when visiting that cursed place. :D But if the contest starts early, who knows anymore with that place, its an adventure everytime :lol:

No lime soda this time around thats for sure, (lots of sugar in my body with booze=tal goes all wonky and ends up sleeping on the street and somehow carried back.) Basically tons of sugar jacks me up to all hell, cause i found out while i am ok now, my body still doesnt like a ton of the stuff. Booze tries to shut me down. Body being pulled in two different directions=wierd heartbeat and breathing for about 15 mins. Booze wins in the end and i collapse by a building. It happened before in the US when i downed vodka with about a liter and a half of tonic water. But since i never learn, i go and do stuff again with the same results. So this time around i was officialy banned from the stuff, since i dont have the good sense to keep myself away from it.

But Saturday I should be at Corner after my metal DJ gig. Long story :D But it's hella cool! But either way we'll be meeting up, and also we need to rope our pal Martti for another afternoon gettogether :)
@Tal: oh yeah, we should meet up with Martti on friday again :p Hope my throat ache will pass by then because if it stays... I won't be able to drink anything :( (anything cold at least, and drinking hot cocoa in Corner = uncool :lol: )
_Zsuzsa_ said:
That's totally _TOTALLY_ different! :p Those sandwiches are the truest inventions of mankind. Period.
Why did you type 'period' three times? One was all that was necessary period otherwise it starts looking silly like this period see period thank god I don't get periods period otherwise I would make no sense either period. :rolleyes:

Extendar said:
^You mean the toaster is the truest invention.. =DD
Nah, she means "The toaster is the best invention since sliced bread" (SUrely you've heard that expression before?) It's a ying/yang thing.