Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Spike said:
Why did you type 'period' three times? One was all that was necessary period otherwise it starts looking silly like this period see period thank god I don't get periods period otherwise I would make no sense either period. :rolleyes:

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Spike is turning into Profanity. Not a good thing, not at all.
God I fucking hope not. :erk:

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Me chosing to take this comment seriously is about the equivalent of your taking offence at some of the things I have said. Perhaps it's just a missinterpretation on our behalf/s?
@Spike: the ':grin:' was meant to make it even more obvious that it was a joke ;)

@Tal: sure I will! I'll try to grab Ville as well, but can't promise anything, he is slowly going crazy because of his work and the studio, heh..
I know the shotgun comment was a joke (of course) some of the other stuff you've said though..... not so funny. :(
Now if only I had something CONSTRUCTIVE to add to this topic. :( Pity I don't know the first thing about being DRUNK in HELSINKI. :rolleyes:
Ok, drunken story....well, last night we were standing on chairs singing the Final Countdown in the Rock Bar....:lol:

Otherwise i told the rest, like the wrestling match, of which I am STILL marked up from, you know...you learn that while you are drunk, you dont feel a goddamn thing, so the next morning, is when you find out what exactly happened. :lol: I MIGHT...post a pic of the match, but i dunno yet. They might be reserved for my closest friends only :D
Of course you'll see em Zsu :D I mean from what i was told they are just arms, legs and hair but it's the memory of getting my ass kicked that counts. ;) There might be the final 'victory pic' where you can discern features, like me being pinned with my head held to the ground and a look of drunken defeat on my face. But we shall see. And you gotta come to the Rock Bar at one point on Saturday to see me DJ!