Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

^...heeeeeeeeey, i'm Canadian too!

:lol: yeah, Tal, i hope for your sake that in Finland they don't have savage angry beavers and manic lumberjacks rampaging all over the place;) but all joking [and insane wildlife:D] aside, it wouldn't be that bad to be stuck in Canada...unless you were stuck in Newfoundland:D
Fenrir13 said:
Yeah, at this rate i'll end up seeing the guys when they get back to Finland i'll be here so damn long. Well, at least i am happy here. Seriously, I could be stuck in Canada or something. :p

whats the deal anyways? i havent followed the whole thing recently and i dont really have the time right now to go look back and find out. last i knew you missed your plane due to a travel agent fuckup...but whats up now? you ever comin back to the states (cuz if i were you i wouldnt)??

btw-i use that cd compilation you made me for my radio show each week, thought youd like to knw that
Well hell, that's pretty kickass to know, dude! Glad you like it! :D Yeah, I mean, I do HAVE to come back to get my shit eventually. Unless I got a job, got an apartment and everything int he next 2 weeks, then i'd just have the shit shipped over here. But yeah, I mean, I would like to visit my buddies and family for teh holidays.

And yeah, I dont have rampaging beavers and lumberjacks, just reindeer and polar bears here :p
Tal, how's teh minigolf going? :D Have you played against Allu again?
And btw, as I already said in my PM, teh worst thing is being stuck in Luxembourg! ;)
the US will definately lose then, if I have to witness that little act. :p :D

Good luck with yer interview tomorrow, Zsu! I am djin tonight. I dunno if you are going to Spinefeast all 3 days but if so, have fun the other 2 nights, too! I will be wandering into Corner wasted on Saturday after work, and probably still in my corpsepaint cos Saturday at Rock Bar is Halloween night. :D
Fenrir13 said:
Yeah, I can see it now, you are holding up the 'GO US!!' sign when i am looking at you, and when i bend over the ball, you flip it to the *GO FINLAND* sign. :D

nah, i'll have one pom-pom in red/white/blue/ and the other in white/blue, with a cheerleading outfit to match:p

j/k about the cheerleading outfit. somebody remember to shoot me if i ever wear a cheerleading outfit, please:D but i'll still use the pom-poms:D
^ sounds like a future in porn.

those guys will always get you in a cheerleader outfit, somehow,, someway. They even got me in one....