Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Izzabella said:
@ Fen, I hope your trip is going well, drink a couple for the rest of us poor souls stuck here in the States!!!
haven't seen you around in a while. . .:wave:
Hello, all! Hmm....well, i'll pm it 2 you again Zsuzsa, did you put the + sign in front of the 1? i know you gotta do that 2 get it too work...

and hey again bob :p ;) :D

and dont wory Magsec...i'm doin well still. Overspent a bit my first 2 weeks but thats cool..i'll start bein more mindful. :D
yeah, so i got plenty of places to upload too :D But i just have to get them from my camera to a comp! The camera wasnt full yet, but it will be by the time i get to another buds house this weekend and next week, so i can then dump them OFF the camera and upload a few for youse to look at.

whee, hair of the dog has a whole fuckin new meaning here in fuckin finland...:D i mean i'd drink to get rid of the previous nights hangover in the states(especially before walking to work, that shot would let me not be hungover till i got to work) but i think i am proving my worth here.....14 days in Hellsinki, 14 days drinking, 11 of them drunk, 5 of them VERY drunk and three nights so fucking wasted there are no words, and one night with a blackout and roughtly 8 hours of my life doesnt exist anymore like i got abducted by a UFO. :lol:

i gotta watch the cash tho, had to pay 4 a hotel a couple extra nights cuz hostels were booked so that set me back. going to Estonia tomorrow for a couple days to stock cheap booze and smokes, so i can drink before i leave, only by a couple when i am out, still get wasted and enjoy the 'bar atmosphere'. So far ive been to Lost and Found(dunno if it was my thing), Tavastia(a show), On the Rocks(a couple times, that was cool), Corner(absolute fav) and some seedy little bar where i cant even remember the name but i was drinking mint booze all night. :D

hope to get some corner pics tonight, some of me in estonia and some of me up in Kuopio over the next 10 days or so, and then when i go camping 2 nights at Lake Bodom on a dare. :D
So we've met up with Tal in Corner Bar yesterday and just chilled out till late night. Dude, it was GREAT talking to you but FUCK^3 we forgot to take pictures :yell: Well, there's always a next time ;)
How long did you stay there after we were gone?
Damn, I still don't get the finnish logic behind the wednesday=drinking day, but for sure it's fun :p
Have a safe trip to Stonia and then to Kuopio ;)
Thanks dude! and it was really totally awesome talking to you and meetin ya! :D I had forgotten the camera, and i didnt realize it till I was almost there, oops! But thanks for the trip wishes, i think it'll be a fun time. I ended up staying till closing then going to another bar and drinking even more, the only open one letting people in was some gay bar, i forget the name since i drank for about 8 hours straight yesterday. :lol: Yeah, i kinda dig the wed= drinking thing! in the US, you have a drinking problem if you drink during the week according to people but here, I fit right in nicely! :D

So, till we meet again, we have each others #'s! i am gonna take a trip to the embasssy first to see how to go about gettin some work before Estonia. :)
well, who knows how long ill stay. ended up overspend a bit the first couple weeks due to stuff not my fault, but its ok, cuz i can just call home after next week and ask for some help since it'll look better, i am going to Kuopio tomorrow for 7 or 8 dayz to hang with a buddy of mine, then back to hellsinki. I am putting off Estonia till i return from Kuopio, since it will be after aug 15th and i can cash in on the fall prices which are cheaper. I might do my lake bodom camping trip when i return from Kuopio for a night since i was dared to do it, so i'll take sum pics of it. :D Only a night or two but just to finish clearing out my head and shit. Then come aug. 16th or 17th its back in Hellsinki for another drunken run. :D

I WASN'T drunk last night! had 2 pints of cider and that was it, its at the point now 2-3 pints dont even make me blink anymore. I was wondering what this strange feeling was today, and i realized I didn't have a hangover. :lol:

but if i get sum work out here, then i might actually try to stay cuz i am diggin it big time. and 2.5 weeks down and no pukage yet!