hello people

the 3rd reich would have been a threat for some people of europe, but not for the european continent in general, had they won, Europe would be strong as ever.

@Belgar : man that really sucks for you to loose some familly heritage like this, couldnt you complain?
Celtik Militia said:
the 3rd reich would have been a threat for some people of europe, but not for the european continent in general, had they won, Europe would be strong as ever.
The Nazi's plans didnt stop at Europe. They wanted to conquer the world, or have the rest of the world be Europes gay little twin that everyone points and laughs at. They had ethnicity ranks as said in Mein Kampf (boring book, dont read it) 1. Germanics 2. Slavs, Russians etc (servants to the Germanics) 3. Africans, Spaniards, Asians (also slaves to the former) 4. Jews ( the filthiest race of all to them; must be exterminated)
i read Mein kampf, i have copy home, my history teacher recommended it lol.
anyway, you just prooved my point : europe would have been very strong indeed, had they won.
and ur classification isnt right i think, the spaniards wouldnt have been slaves. hitler respected the latin people, which is why he didnt totally misstreat the french during the occupation, well not as much as with the slavs. he respected the latins, he even brought the ashes of napoleon the 2nd back to france next to napoleon's grave in the "Invalides" museum which is a sign of great respect.
i believe he classified the latins in the same category as the arabs, which means just behind the germanics in terms of superiority. The asians he respected too, he said that they were superior to other races because they managed to copy the aryans' genious (well he was just referring to japan).
Aside from the jews, he never had any blatant hatred towards races. But he did believe his was above some others. You are right, Europe would be a better place, but what about other countries? I dont think I would like that, if America broke up. But then again, think of how badass the reunion tour would be. PARTY!!!--But really, I think the boneheadism associated with most fascists beliefs are very misinterpreted and the turnout is usually bad. Like when James Earl Ray shot MLK. Of course some would have preferred if rascism exploded in the 60's, leaving a wall of enigma of what could have been, but I find that view very selfish and flat out un-American.
Celtik Militia said:
the 3rd reich would have been a threat for some people of europe, but not for the european continent in general, had they won, Europe would be strong as ever.

@Belgar : man that really sucks for you to loose some familly heritage like this, couldnt you complain?

another one, you kids are totally fucked up in a head, read some books and came up with own theories of what might or mighnt not have happened, half the euros is what you call some people? how do u know he would not exterminate/enslave all the frenchies and spaniards and all the others evetually down the road once he conquered all, after all he had the packt with his buddy Stalin initially only to attack the beast later
Tomasz said:
another one, you kids are totally fucked up in a head, read some books and came up with own theories of what might or mighnt not have happened, half the euros is what you call some people? how do u know he would not exterminate/enslave all the frenchies and spaniards and all the others evetually down the road once he conquered all, after all he had the packt with his buddy Stalin initially only to attack the beast later

tis true, yet he had said in mein kampf that he hated the russians, he didnt say that for the latins, he said he hated the french politics which were very jewish at the time. but yes maybe he would have exterminated all but the germanics, i doubt it but it is a theory, but what i said at first remains, and thats all that i've been really saying sice the beginning and i always have to repeat; "europe would have been extreemly strong". thats all i was initially saying.
Aaron A. said:
Do you like Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy?

They are awesome.
no, i havent heard them yet, my friend promissed me that he will borrow them to me but, he still didnt. but i have heard that they are really gr8 so i belive u when u say they r awesome.
you all really have respect 4 russia? my country was uder ifluence russia i dont think i could have respect to this country. i agree that some people may be good there, but when u take it all together, all people, whole land, history, i dont c any reason to respect russia. but i dont even really respect my country, just dont like what happened here, i am sure that the stupid revolution could b sooner than after such a long time.
ur country was under the influence of a the communist russian regime.
at a time the serbs liked the russians because they represented the strength of the slav people, and they do have that strength.
Celtik Militia said:
ur country was under the influence of a the communist russian regime.
at a time the serbs liked the russians because they represented the strength of the slav people, and they do have that strength.

I don't know wtf are u talking about. Where do u get you info from. I don't think there is/was a singe country from the former eastern block that has much respect for russia. Not after what they put those countries through.
Tomasz said:
I don't know wtf are u talking about. Where do u get you info from. I don't think there is/was a singe country from the former eastern block that has much respect for russia. Not after what they put those countries through.

at a time, serbia respected the russians because they represented the strength of the slavs, and the russians liked the serbs because they were the strong slavs of the south.
at a time = before WW1 to be precise :p
if this isnt true, maybe its my history teacher and books you should scoul at.

anyway we've gone totally off subject as usual lol
You want to talk about USA? So I will begin.
I don`t like your country because of two reasons:
1. Your history is too small and the aborigens live in reservation.
2. I hate your government, it is the main reason.

But it doesn`t mean that I hate americans, I don`t know any of them so I can`t hate you or anybody who lives in your country.
Kirill P. said:
You want to talk about USA? So I will begin.
I don`t like your country because of two reasons:
1. Your history is too small and the aborigens live in reservation.
2. I hate your government, it is the main reason.

But it doesn`t mean that I hate americans, I don`t know any of them so I can`t hate you or anybody who lives in your country.

You are the LAST person here to talk about bad government, commie :grin: but--

I agree with your statement on the aborigenies(Native americans) though. Europeans fled here and wiped out them out to less than .1%, and also wiped out the Aztecs ( not here, but still) and now I see shitscum little fuckheads wearing Screwdriver shirts saying "My race is goin' downnn". They aint got room to talk.

GoldenHall: If I want to go to Asia jr, I will go to California :grin:
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
GoldenHall: If I want to go to Asia jr, I will go to California :grin:

Ha, just come to New Zealand, any tourist-oriented area is crawling with Japs and Koreans, annoying little bastards. They swarm around like packs of little hyenas, jostling you out of the way if you're standing in front of something they want to take a picture of, i.e. everything. And they'll buy any shit souvenir you throw at 'em, the locals joke about selling them blown-up plastic bags because their filled with New Zealand air