Help convince me to go Mac...

Well I think trying to "debate" which is better is totally pointless, but if I had to hedge my bets, I'd even concede to Macs, cuz of the OS stability (comparatively) and the far smaller risk of viruses/spyware/etc. HOWEVER - I've got a good computer security setup going, and I have no problem keeping my PC running smoothly, so both of those are worthy sacrifices for the amount I save on the hardware and ESPECIALLY software :)
Yea I agree, I don't think there's much difference in performance these days especially since Macs are using Intel processors- it's not really something worth debating. I just find that there is a lot of pressure within the arts industry to jump on the Apple bandwagon but I'm not necessarily convinced that there's any real basis to the claim that "Macs are better". Economically, I would say PCs are the better option simply because, if you know what you're doing, you can build one yourself with better hardware specs than any comparable Mac for less.
Got my first Mac (Macbook Pro 15" 2.5ghz) a month or two ago. I've been pretty happy with it. Everything works straight away and is super quick to set up. I was going to build a new pc originally (which I've always done), but the price drop on the early 08 models made them too tempting, so I pulled the trigger. I've been using the OSX version of Reaper so far, but haven't really recorded with it at all. Seems to work okay, but not great (first times I tried DFHS Reaper crashed). I haven't had a problem with OSX at all, quite the contrary actually. I've been using Linux for a lot for some time now (only used XP for recording with Reaper), and OSX is kinda similar, which I really enjoy. I'm thinking of going Logic eventually, I currently have some money saved but I think I'll rather get some new hardware stuff first. The only thing I haven't liked so far is that good free plugins are really hard to find.

I agree, Macs aren't better. Some people just like them better. It's funny, I never really saw Macs before, but now that I'm doing civilian service in a music school, I've only seen about 3 PC laptops, everyone else seems to have a Macbook. All the music technology classes have iMacs in them as well, and the studios have Mac Pro's. I'm sure I'd be happy too with a PC running Linux and XP for recording as well. A word of advice though, the iMac line is going to get renewed in a couple months apparently, I've heard it's going to be quad core, so you might want to wait until they're out and get an older iMac for cheap or a newer iMac if they're significantly better.

I'll probably keep using both, 'cause I see it as the best choice.
Mac OS X is far superior to Windows as an OS. Way more stable, consistent, modern, etc. Mac OS X is what Microsoft wishes Windows 7 will be - and they will again fall FAR short of that mark.

As for Apple's hardware offerings, the price/performance ratio sucks. Apple needs to compete head to head with Microsoft in the OS market - start partnering with Dell and HP and Acer to ship Mac OS X on PCs. I think it would be a huge step forward, and I think there will still be a market for "fashion" or "lifestyle" oriented computers from Apple - since they're clearly not into supporting the budget power user.
Personally I haven't a single problem with my MBP since the switch. I haven't installed a single driver. When I plugged my firepod for the first time, it was immediatelly recognized by OSX, no drivers, nothing to do. It simply works and it's what a computer should do.
Obviously there are lot of fantastic computers and laptops, but windows it's the bad part of them.
Logic Express vs Logic Studio? I don't know what the limitations are so if anyone has any insight that would be appreciated...

I switched to a mac with logic express awhile back. I'm a big puss so I was scared of logic for a bit, and used garage band to do some clips. Then I realized it's kick ass. Express lacks the convo reverb (unless I haven't found it yet) and the matching EQ (they really knew what to leave out didn't they?!), but tits OK, all the other plugs it has are great imo. The drum thing it comes with blows chunks, but that's a given I guess.

It took me a few months to get used to my mac for the record. I'm not a PC playa hata though, I just needed a change.
i love the guys that talk about how the publicly used computers at their uni crash.... yeah, so do the PCs i'm quite sure.. multiple people are monkeying with these computers every day... c'mon, what do you expect?

Shane.... i feel you on price/performance issue... but you forget to factor in the longevity aspect of performance. i've had several PCs.... still have one in the next room, bought just a few years ago. all of them shat the bed, permanently. meanwhile i still have my PowerMac from 1998 and it still runs perfect, running Pro Tools 4 on an AudioMedia II Nu-Bus card. and my Powerbook..... been kicking ass for five years before the first problem, even after hitting concrete from 5 feet in the air in the first year i had it.

for a guy as keyed-in technologically, and as savvy as you are regarding computers in general, it's disappointing to see you so blatantly overlooking such an obvious practical aspect regarding build quality. Sexy outside, well put together inside. this is why i will stick with the mac-pro lines even if Apple does allow Dell/Acer/etc. to market and release cheap mac os loaded PCs. i guess i just have a different definition of Power-User than you do. My definition involves far less trips to the repair shop than anyone i've ever met owning a Dell, including my own brother who has 2 degrees in computer technology.
what about those of use that pound the snot out of our pc's and they keep on ticking.. are we just lucky?!?!?

I have an ancient athlon 64 running windows 2000 and nuendo 1.5 that can record 8 tracks(all I ever tried) in real time and stream back around 40 or so running an RME hammer fall card.. even modest plugs and quick editing work fine

this thing has been running fine as an audio pc for years and I have never bothered to rebuild the system or really optimize it or anything...

"It Just Works":lol:

I was a big time mac user when I started working at a marketing firm out of college and still own a motorola clone, I had an old performa, and used g3 and g4 powermacs at work ( the g4 quick silver was a pile of crap though)...there still a good machine and i dig the ipod and such but they haven't really made my life into some magical place where audio sounds and works better!
Just get it, you will be happy. Love Mac's and that has nothing to do with commercials, don't watch TV. G3 still running, G4 still running, G5 still running, Mac Pro still running, old "g3" iMac still running, new iMac 24" loving it, no problem yet. iMac 24", Logic Pro 8, Duet=win. So painless and fast. Plug and play. Nice little set up for the bedroom.

Shit, I want to buy a few more! I think I need some for my bathrooms.

Unfortunately and this is not everyones experience, just mine: 3 PC lab tops broken. 2 newer ones still going but both a little buggy (spyware and other nonsense, think I need to reboot again) but I only use them for the limo business. Fucken online service forces me to use IE browser. The funny thing is I have a iMac 20" sitting right next to it.(in the office) Maybe I'll put windows in that and watch my Mac suffer the never ending cancer that is windows.

Yeah, I don't like windows OS. I hate service packs. Hate the start menu. Hate the file structure. I cringe at the sight of .dll & .exe. Crap is just old looking. Hate the driver issues. Hate all the spam software. I even hate the install process down to the way it looks.

I'll gladly pay and repay for a Mac. All that being said: Do what personally fits you.

Disclaimer: These opinions, bias, rant, is based on personal experience. They are mine and mine alone to keep. :heh:

The look cool, they're trendy and it's "cool" to have a mac :)
oh yeah, that's certainly why i use them ..... i don't care about things like reliability, service life, workflow, or any other professional concern.... no no, you're exactly right.. guys like me and Andy and nearly every other professional engineer i know use Mac because it makes us feel cool. you called it d00d. everyone knows pros value "trendiness" more than anything else... which is why the tv commercials work on us.. because we have so much time to watch tv and stay on top of what's trendy.

check me out... i've been trendy since '94 then. wow... i've been "cool" for over 14 years.... no wonder i get hired so much lately... clients must be finally realizing this.

It'll sound good on both PC and Mac and a pc won't die or go mental on you if you just stear it away from internet and p0rn, get another or keep your old computer for internet and your golden.
I haven't had trouble in ages with my PC since i kept it of the internet.

Thats one benefit i gues, mac doesn't catch a bug/virus etc that fast, pc will, pc is fuckloads cheaper.

And i've extensively worked with both and prefered pc myself, its around 50/50 from the people i know who worked with both.
Also, does Logic Express come with Space Designer? (that's the logic convolution plugin, right?) If not, budget another $190 for SiR2 if you wanna use impulses... (same goes for Cubase)

Dude, why would anyone get Logic Express instead of Logic Pro? Ok, express is a little less in price, but the pro version is still cheap and comes with SD and a plethora of other good usuable plugins. :P

Anyway, to me it sounds almost like the TS has made up his mind about getting a mac. I say go for it, for obvious reasons.
There's really no sense in debating this topic anymore. The way I see it PC's are Hondas and Macs are Acuras.

I personally drive a Honda and own a PC, but if I could afford it, I would probably get one of those new Macbook airs and an Acura. Since I'm young and po' so I'm gonna stick with my Honda civic and my (awesome new) Thinkpad.:rock:
G3 still running, G4 still running, G5 still running, Mac Pro still running, old "g3" iMac still running, new iMac 24" loving it, no problem yet. iMac 24", Logic Pro 8, Duet=win.

YEEEEAAAAAA BOY! *cough* sorry.

I've still got my G3 tower running (on the latest version of OSX, too!), as well as iMac G3, iMac G4, iBook G4 and my new 24" iMac (same as yours, I believe) and my dad's got his old Mac Classic around, that worked last time we booted it up.

Ironically enough, my Mac Performa died a horrible death. And rightfully so, Apple hasn't had a perfect history with CPU's either. That machine sucked so much....I was glad to see it go.

I know of at least one Quadra still going strong FWIW.
Marcus: To answer your question - yes, StillWell's EQs are pretty colored. The Vibe EQ is pretty good, but I have noticed it really colors the sound a bit so you have to take it easy on the adjustments compared to say...the track EQ in Cubase which is more transparent and WYSIWYG, yanno? The 1973 EQ I use on the 2bus a lot because I like the way it handles the mids. It's not nearly as colorful as the Vibe, in fact I'd say it's relatively transparent for the most part. I will say, I absolutely LOVE their limiter, Event Horizon. So far I haven't had a single quarrel with it.

Anyway...back on-topic here guys. This thread has gone exactly where I knew it would lol.
