Help convince me to go Mac...

How much is Logic Pro? All I can find is Logic Studio for $500, compared with $200 for Express - this is not a small difference :ill:

Yeah okay, I looked up the prices just now. But a while back you had to pay aprox 8.000 SEK for Cubase and 5.000 SEK for Logic Pro, but now they are almost the same price. It was mainly that I thought about. But 500USD for a program like Logic Pro and all the -usuable- FX is not expensive :) But you're right 500usd is alot more than 200usd ^^

I left the other part of your post out 'cause I didn't think that was related to my post.
logic pro is logic studio. logic studio is just the new name for logic pro 8.

before they called it logic studio it was called logic express 7 and logic pro 7

with the new version they dropped the pro and it was just logic express 8 and logic studio (which is really logic pro 8)
i would suggest to forbidden to go for the pro package. I dont think money is that big of an issue for the dude. and it will save time in the long run which is obviously the benefit of running a mac. as the previous poster mentioned, you also get the other apps such as wave burner that can be quite useful. and dont forget the software instruments.

i loved socialnumbs rant on how he hates the start menu, hates the installer lol i totally agree. in the rare event you need to reformat your mac, at least the installer doesnt look like it was programmed in 1988 haha and visual appearance really does help you to LIVe IN the RIFFZ, whether anyone likes to admit it or not. I have just found that using mac has been much more pleasant (after getting used to the workflow) which is a huuge plus cause no one feels inspired when they are extremely frustrated.

also as james mentioned, you pay for time [buying a mac] saves you over all the shit that comes along with pc, which in his case im sure his time is worth more than the cost dif. anyway!!!
even though im not really rich, I pay extra to not have to deal with shit, and have a wicked company that stands behind its products, just like i sometimes pay extra to get full serve gas so i dont have to get out the van!!

now the few who are completely opposed to mac os, or apple as a company have obviously had a negative experience, or feel they have been treated unfairly by the company in some way. unfortunately, it would be impossible for this to never happen. no matter how high a companies standard of customer service ( ive worked for apple, they care about their customers waaay too much, really!(half of them are retarded as fuck)) is, someone is bound to have a negative experience. since apple is the only company that makes macs, the user mentioned above will switch to pc, rather than just getting another computer from another manufacturer. or do as kazrog has done, and build a hackintosh.

mac= better quality service, better quality product, and you look cool to other computer geeks who dont get laid either hahaha

some n00bs will argue, others know!!!
the irony of that video is that they probably did the graphic on a PC.
nah, i'd guess it's college students who likely did it right there in that mac dominated computer lab they used in the clip which they probably also use for graphics courses which that clip was undoubtedly a project for. not very ironic at all either way though, since they didn't really show a strong bias to one side or the other.

"Irony" is how much.... as you see in all the "making of" features for the Microsoft game franchise Halo, that originally only existed as a PC game and on Microsoft's own game console, Xbox 360º (and is still not fully Mac implemented as best i know... co-op mode particularly), was made on Apples... particularly the graphics.
Well, i might add my 2c :

I started working on a pro studio with a Mac in august. At first I was "wow, a mac!!!", but was kinda annoyed due to all the different things i had to re-learn. After a while, I considered installing making my pc a hackintosh (and i still think i'll be doing this). However, 4 months later, I changed my mind a little bit about Macs. My $800 PC is by FAR faster than the $3000 mac we have at the studio (remember I am in Brazil, so things are really expensive). I learned a lot of Mac things already, but the lack of option to customize it to my tastes REALLY bugs me. Finder is cool at first, but after a while it got on my nerves due to it's simplicity. And the worst part, the thing is NOT that more stable than XP - Nuendo crashes at least 2 times a day, and OSX already hung completely, forcing me to do a hard reset, twice. The fact that there are almost no free plug ins besides Stilwell's (which is not free btw) is also a big con. BUT, those are personal opinions and i still like it, besides the fact that clients are really impressed with it. Actually its relieving to not use Windows for once.

Why dont you build a hackintosh ? Just build a PC with the same specs as a real MAC (except for the CPU), and you're ready to rock, but cheaper.
Why dont you build a hackintosh ? Just build a PC with the same specs as a real MAC (except for the CPU), and you're ready to rock, but cheaper.

I once did this with a stock HP PC and it worked OK. Sure, you'll be installing a gazillion .kext's to make it work on you non mac hardware and the native screenresolution can't go higher than 1280 because nvidia cards are unsupported.

If you're gonna do it, check some forums first for a 100% compatible system