Help with Symphonic Metal Releases


Oct 8, 2007
For the fans of the style in the forum. Any standout releases/recommendations this year within the genre?
Yes, (and with Floor singing on the next Nightwish album) one could say the Dutchies are doing well in this particular genre :) !
It seems to have always been their specialty.
The Dutch death metal scene would disagree. I realize that viewpoint won't get a lot of traction on this forum, but Asphyx, Pestilence, Thanatos, God Dethroned, and Gorefest have all put out seminal work in the genre and the tradition is being carried on by bands like Hail of Bullets, Grand Supreme Blood Court, and Prostitute Disfigurement.

Considering Mark Jansen's writing style and who he has recruited to join Epica as replacement members, it's safe to say that scene had a massive impact on him.
Thanks for the recommendations! Some recent favorites include Dragonland, and Pathfinder. Anything along those lines?
Does anyone have any recommends without female vocals?

I don't mean any offense by this but most female vocals are not for me...

Hmmm. The whole gothic/symphonic sound is dominated by female vocalists, that is for sure. I would say that Serenity, Kamelot, Damnation Angels and bands of that ilk are about as close as it gets for bands with male singers. Then there's the whole cheesy 'elves and dragons' take on symphonic metal...ala Rhapsody. But I don't think you were asking about that.

Dragonland's 'Astronomy' disc is bombastically symphonic while avoiding the lactose overload. You should probably check that one out.
You may like Neopera. Mix of male, female and screamer vocals, but very very different from Amaranthe, kind of reminds me of Therion.

Lyriel's new "Skin and Bones" album might qualify too, if only just barely. The cellist and violinist they have in the band does give them a slightly symphonic edge, although it mostly makes it sound Elvenking folk-y. Still, I think it's their strongest album yet and have been loving it. Also note: they have a female singer, although she is pretty damn phenomenal.

Generally it's been a slow year for good symphonic metal. Damnation Angels' new one is still delayed for who knows how much longer, and the only other one I can think of is the new Xerath, which is symphonic death and probably not what you were looking for.
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You know Xerath didn't even spring to mind when "symphonic" was mentioned...but they sure are. Talk about bombastic and huge.
Yes, Rhapsody style, dragon/elves, high lactose release recommendations are highly appreciated!