here's to life!


Knight of the Templar
Apr 28, 2005
A city in the sun
I just wanted to share that I had one of those experiences where you realize how good it is to wake up the next morning. I was coming home from seeing Borat (freekin' hilarious by the way) at night, having enjoyed myself, when everything changed a few minutes later. A car drove out in front of me onto oncoming traffic, swerved to miss it, and ran right into me and a car in back. I went spinning, and my car took some heavy damage. No one was seriously hurt, but the guy's car was smashed. My knee was bruised, but I'm alright. Turns out the guy disobeyed a 'no left turn' sign and caused some serious shit on a busy street. His insurance has got a lot to pay for.

This was one of those moments where you realize you really need to treasure every moment you have and not take anything for granted. I went to bed and realized I looked mortality in the eye, and that I narrowly escaped. If I had been just a few feet ahead, who knows what could have happened. Anyone ever had experiences like this?

I'm just glad I'm still here, typing on this computer. :kickass:
(This could make for a good power metal song, hehe.)
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I've never had something like that happen to me but my mentality is just like you described, I'm always making sure I have fun and enjoy every minute of my life. This involves living on a very tight salary cause I refuse to dedicate my schedule to work full time (my parents think this is unwise of me but I really don't care, they're gonna have to understand this at some point.) Seriously, that is great advice you're giving and I'm glad you shared this experience with us to remind us that we aren't gods, our lives can end at any moment. TO LIFE :kickass:

On a less serious note, wouldn't it have sucked to die before beating Twilight Princess? I would have been super pissed :lol:
I'm like mr. Fast. I haven't had anything like this happen to me, but a few years ago i just realized that i don't want to be one of those people who's always pissed about everything. Yeah, life just isn't worth being upset about everything.

Sorry to hear about the accident man... that shit's always scary, even if it turned out that you are alright. Glad you're alright bro!
Glad to see you gave Death the slip on that one :p

I've never been a part of anything like that, but I have seen a pretty insane accident involving a motorcycle running a red light on a 6 lane highway and a conversion van. Let's just say I've never seen so much blood before and I hope to never see anything like that again. It was quite a powerful experience at the time because I was maybe 7 or 8, very impressionable.

EDIT: I forgot to say when I first read the title I thought this thread was about quite possibly the greatest person ever: ANDREW WK :headbang: :headbang: :kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
*Cue thunger, Lightning, Hammer and Mountain iMovie effects* :lol:

(Yes, that's Hebrew.) To Life. :kickass: That's a crazy story man. Good thing Death spared you here, many more years of Metal for another individual in society. :headbang:

That reminds me, I still have to see Borat. o_O
I just hope the accident wasn't some kind of eerie consequence for seeing Borat, hehe!

Thanks for reading guys, I had to get the insane after-sensations off my chest. It really helps to communicate troubling feelings. Well, I know there will definitely be more metal in my future! :)
Being a heavy drinker is fun for the moment, but after a while, it sucks balls. I only drink at what few parties I go to. And even then, the beer's gone before I even get there, because the people in my towns are fucking dirtbags who think that Sober = Gay.
I hate alcohol so much. There isn't much else to it. It screws you up.

I may sound pessimistic half the time, but in reality I am quite an optimist. I just don't like showing it because it's for N00bZomgzorxxplox!!!11111eleventeenmillion It's simply not as fun being happy so often. I actually like the fact that I get depressed a lot, because that's when I make my music the best tbph.
The idea of getting drunk off beer = lol.

Anyway, back on topic, I think the only sort-of near death experience I had was when I fainted once. I have low blood pressure, and I passed out during the summertime a couple of years ago even though I was properly hydrating myself. My blood pressure got down to a low of 75/25 (a normal reading is around 120/75), but after going through a few IV bags I was alright. Being in the hospital, not knowing what's going on, wondering what's going to happen next is certainly distressing. I got out early the next morning and it just felt so good to be home after that. You're absolutely right when you say that it makes you appreciate things you take for granted, like good food and wearing legit clothes instead of paper-thin drafty hospital skirts.
Wow, Beelz, that sounds scary. Were you very young when this happened? I'd have been scared shitless if I woke up as a young kid in a hospital not knowing what's going on. But I'm glad you turned out alright.

Also, these kinds of experiences totally nullify any insignificant things that otherwise trouble us daily. I'm realizing now I just need to chill out, and not let little things get to me. There's much worse to fret over, as I unfortunately found out this past weekend. But I'm fine, so I'm comforted greatly.

Hmm, unless my bum were nice and toned, I don't think I'd want to be wearing those hospital gowns either, hehe!
I hate alcohol so much. There isn't much else to it. It screws you up.

I may sound pessimistic half the time, but in reality I am quite an optimist. I just don't like showing it because it's for N00bZomgzorxxplox!!!11111eleventeenmillion It's simply not as fun being happy so often. I actually like the fact that I get depressed a lot, because that's when I make my music the best tbph.

I am a natural pessimist, and that pisses me off and makes me think that it will never get better.
wow scary story, glad you are ok!

I've never had anything like that happen to me, lots of other sorts of things though that I don't talk about, but in all I have the mind-set that life is what you make of it and the sort of life you will have to lead depends alot on the sort of attitude you use to get through it.

Montu Sekhmet said:
I am a natural pessimist, and that pisses me off and makes me think that it will never get better.

Damn, greenaxer...let's hope you feel better soon! Thank God...that could've been WAY worse indeed. And we'd have missed ya. :(

This was one of those moments where you realize you really need to treasure every moment you have and not take anything for granted. I went to bed and realized I looked mortality in the eye, and that I narrowly escaped. If I had been just a few feet ahead, who knows what could have happened. Anyone ever had experiences like this?

I'm just glad I'm still here, typing on this computer. :kickass:
(This could make for a good power metal song, hehe.)

Mine's very odd...I know a lot of you guys dismiss this kind of stuff, but I had a near-death experience in a dream. I know what you might say, that you can't die in a dream, but I'm a very active dreamer and I know the difference between whatever THAT was and a garden-variety dream.

It may seem crazy, but I don't care...but in this dream, I went through the mental preparations that one goes through when one expects to die--it was that real...these are emotions beyond what I have ever experienced in life. I saw the proverbial white light and honestly, I have never felt such peace and joy, such absence of doubt, fear, or negative emotions that I did during that experience.

It was at the exact instant where I felt that if I crossed that last threshold I would not return that I woke up in a way that felt like being violently torn away from the presence into which I was preparing to enter. Now, I've had vivid dreams, but I've never been so completely disoriented--and heartbroken--as when I awoke and had to figure out where I was and that I had come back to life.

I had to come to terms with being back and to grieve for what I had lost by my return, as unnerving as that might seem to some of you. You might think this would drive me to consider taking my own life--but it had the opposite effect. If anything, I am much more resolute in my desire to live this life fully, not to burden myself down with worries here because I know that all of my troubles here, no matter how bad they are, will be absolutely minuscule in the face of what comes after this life.

There was nothing wrong with my body as far as I know, but I do believe there are experiences that we simply cannot rationalize away. I do not expect all of you to believe what I do about WHY this occurred, but I share this because I know for sure that it had a tremendous impact on the end, one for the better.
I believe dreams can be pretty powerful phenomena, too. Sometimes they're just subconscious jibberish, but they may have some important things to say about us too. If they're so strong that they make us want to change for the better, then they're probably worth looking at a bit closer. Your dream maybe was trying to tell you what great things lie ahead if you live the best you can.

I think it's safe to say we all have these events in our life for a reason. The hard thing, and sometimes scary thing, is finding out what that is. But we can me made all the better for it.

This all makes me think of "Learning to Live." :headbang:
Yes, we all knew there would be some kind of Dream Theater reference coming sooner or later, haha!
That is quite the vivid dream Rose. I've never had a dream quite like that, but I have had my fair share of those where you fall off a building or a mountain and wake up right before you hit. I remember waking up in a pool of sweat and short of breath after almost all of them.

Unfortunately, these days I don't remember my dreams very much. I'm not too sure what that means though, b/c I was a quite active dreamer when I was younger.