special life moments and Symphony X

hmm.. I like having sex to Symphony X.. the faster paced songs that is.. good way to get crazy and do quirky little moves. Actually to Children of Bodom is awesome too. I like 'recieving' to Opeth.. it just enhances the whole experience coz Mikhaels voice gets me hot to begin with :)

are those important enough life experiences? Theyre all I can think of..
SilentRealm said:
hmm.. I like having sex to Symphony X.. the faster paced songs that is.. good way to get crazy and do quirky little moves. Actually to Children of Bodom is awesome too. I like 'recieving' to Opeth.. it just enhances the whole experience coz Mikhaels voice gets me hot to begin with :)

are those important enough life experiences? Theyre all I can think of..
U know, I was trying to think of some way to reply to that....but its quite difficult. I guess u love exploiting the fact that this is such a male dominated forum, haha.

Keep up the good work :lol:
I don’t think Rod Tyler is the most talented singer out there but he has something few singers have, a distinctiveness. If you heard this guy on radio or something you'd immediately recognize him. He also has this 'sensitivity' that sort of go well together with the dark lyrics.

And this thing about him being annoying; I would say I find Russel equally annoying at times, with all that hideous soul-influence ;)
SilentRealm said:
hmm.. I like having sex to Symphony X.. the faster paced songs that is.. good way to get crazy and do quirky little moves. Actually to Children of Bodom is awesome too. I like 'recieving' to Opeth.. it just enhances the whole experience coz Mikhaels voice gets me hot to begin with :)

are those important enough life experiences? Theyre all I can think of..
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

SR, I must say, I so wish that women like you existed in New York.
Lol, that reminds me.. Me and my friends were bored one day and we invented prog-techno. It's basically like those dance techno songs but with really odd time sigs and no constant rythm so it's nearly impossible to dance to.. It would be hilarious playing that in a club and see people's reactions when they have no clue whats going on and their heads explode cause they cannot grasp anything that isn't 4/4.
MrFast said:
Lol, that reminds me.. Me and my friends were bored one day and we invented prog-techno. It's basically like those dance techno songs but with really odd time sigs and no constant rythm so it's nearly impossible to dance to.. It would be hilarious playing that in a club and see people's reactions when they have no clue whats going on and their heads explode cause they cannot grasp anything that isn't 4/4.

:lol: that's hillarious...
DoomsdayZach said:
I always thought it'd be funny to try to have sex to some uber prog song like Spiral Architect. It'd be so... difficult... no rhythm whatsoever

:lol: that would be funny.. *hmm gets to thinking*.. if it ever happens again, it might be interesting to try just for the hell of it.

MrFast said:
Lol, that reminds me.. Me and my friends were bored one day and we invented prog-techno. It's basically like those dance techno songs but with really odd time sigs and no constant rythm so it's nearly impossible to dance to.. It would be hilarious playing that in a club and see people's reactions when they have no clue whats going on and their heads explode cause they cannot grasp anything that isn't 4/4.

DoomsdayZach said:
I always thought it'd be funny to try to have sex to some uber prog song like Spiral Architect. It'd be so... difficult... no rhythm whatsoever :lol:

Reminds me of Spiral Architect as described by a friend of mine: "It's like watching a chick masturbating, really exciting when it starts out, but after a while it just gets dull."
Why is it everything I touch turns to smut?
I'm using that in a song

I always thought it'd be funny to try to have sex to some uber prog song like Spiral Architect. It'd be so... difficult... no rhythm whatsoever

Been there, done that...Watchtower's 'Control and Resistance'.....i didn't get to change the cassette over to side b though :(...