My Life as a Symphony X Minion


Holy to the Gods
Feb 8, 2006
Have you ever listened to a song and thought how insane it would be to actually live with the music?
*** To get the full effect of this story, you should listen to the songs and the times that I say... Happy Listening! ***

Well not to long ago..I think it was last week, I did exactly that. I got out of bed to the Melody of "The Odyssey" Starting my day... then the music turned to "Inferno(Unleash the Fire)" as I ran to grab my cereal! And then I saw my mother what I sight to see... I looked at her...and she looked at me... the all of a sudden the music changed to 3:52 of "King of Terrors" Then all of a sudden we stared at each other.. then the music changed to 4:20 of the same song! Then I thought to myself on whether to give my mother the cereal after I was done.. while I was thinking :55 of "The Turning" was running through my head.

I was late for school and my mother was yelling at me... I had no choice but to run out of the door... "Orion - The Hunter" up to :20 was running through my head as I ran out of the door...

We drove up the the school... it reminded me very much of a Death Camp ... that large Chimney thing it had... I looked up at it ... slowly the beginning of "The Damnation Game" Started playing in my head.

I Got out of the car and headed in for school..I had to walk across a parking lot.... "The Accolade"1:01 Started ringing in my ears....and I headed up toward the doorway...

The music Soon subsided and turned to the beginning "Pharaoh" As I saw my arch nemisis walking down the halway... I glared at him and ran up the stairs to my first class


Yea there is allot more where that came from.. but first I want to see if anyone actually does this... it will be hardcore XD :headbang:
I've had Adagio - Chosen in my head the entire day untill I called my gf and overheard Through The Looking Glass playing in the background while she was talking to me. Then I got on WoW and started humming to A Lesson Before Dying and the rest of the self titled album. Then I had the entire song 2112 - Rush go through my head in the shower. And while typing this I'm listening to Pharaoh cause of the above post.
I just had a moment :eek:. I was listening to ayreon's dawn of a million souls, and i had the lyrics open from some website, then it got to the line "And I realize how small we really are" and at that very moment I looked at an advert on the side of the page and staring right back at me was this HUGE fat chick. hahahaha.
yes I know what you are talking about.
Recently when I was doing the ironing I got the divine wings of tragedy in my head and thought to myself....who the hell am I on this place known as earth doing some ironing ha ha:yow: