Hey all ! I am back !


Bastard child
Aug 11, 2002
Wallriver, Finland
Hello again guys ! I have been away for a long time , I just got my DSL (no more modem,yay) , and now I am back . I was away for a long time , because I started to get high phone bills . I decided to get rid of modem , I got my computer formated and then , just today I got my DSL . It is still not working at the best ,but atleast it's way better than modem ! :loco:

See you guys around !
NeedledWarheart said:
This is the man who tabbed gallowmere

Well , actually Stygian Apothegm tabbed most of the song , I tabbed the rest and made the GP tab . So credit to Styg for his powertab , I couldn't have done it without his powertab. :grin:
> On donne un nom anglais à la fin de la semaine et on s´étonne qu´il pleuve. :grin:

best. quote. ever. !!!!!!!!!

"we give an english name to the weekend, and we're surprised that it rains" um... somehow it doesnt have the same "impact" in english (: (: (: