Hey Im new to Dark Tranquillity.

I'm looking for this man. He is missing. This forum needs him back.

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:rolleyes: oooh, you can cooooook!! :eek:
it's very unusual for a man, i like that :D what's your best recipe? ;)
as for the slimy reptiles, err... do you use them to make some kind of sushi? :p
@ormir: welcome to this brand new late night lunatic asylum :p
as for your friend, *mumble* he reminds me of someone... think i spotted him preparing cheeseburgers at the local mc donald's :p
@nick: the only thought of petting a snake makes me shiver :ill: i like furry creatures better, but well... to each their own :p
hmmm... would you send me the recipe for that chicken? i'm curious enough, now :D
Oh, is this kinda home for bored and not-that-mind-balanced people? I feel somehow at home. Wanna learn how to prepare a good pa amb tomàquet i pernil? Catalan recipe ;)

@Ormir: If you take the red pillow, I'll lead you to that man, and you'll see just the truth. If you take the blue one, you will wake up at home and believing whatever you want to believe. Choose or lose.

|ng (Pillows?! Yeah, it was intended, I wanna sleep...)
@nick: guess you feed them with mice... once a month? a friend of mine has a phyton but i dunno which breed :p
oh, thanks for the recipe :D

@pinchotortilla: i want your recipes for tapas :D
@Princess: Everything of me is yours. :p

@Nick: The fact of being american explains it all, but... ¿do you have "normal" pets? You know, dogs, cats... a little hamster...

|ng (Er pinchotortilla)
|ngenius said:
@Ormir: If you take the red pillow, I'll lead you to that man, and you'll see just the truth. If you take the blue one, you will wake up at home and believing whatever you want to believe. Choose or lose.
*takes the red pillow* Now take me to Misanthrope.