A loooong time ago I had a Les Paul copy by some un-named company (it wasn't indicated anywhere on the guitar) that I got from a friend. The sound was incredible! My brother sold it piece by piece when I was out of the country...No, I didn't actually kill him, though the urge was there.
A few years after that, I also had a BC Rich bass that had a nice narrow neck that was perfect for my little hands. That one went to the pawn shop one day so I could buy dinner for the wife and kids...It wasn't the best year of my life.
The next one I bought was a Strat copy I got in Japan. It wasn't a "Fender" Strat. It was a "Tender" Strat. The "Tender" logo was the same as the Fender logo, but without the lower horizontal line on the "F." We've still got it, but it has a cracked neck.
So, now I'm left to my old trusty Air. It's whatever I want it to be. (Though, I also use a Tennis Racket, Broom, Frying Pan, and other famous brands.)