Hidden Gem's

Where's the error?? Im flawless.

Using an apostrophe before an "s" makes the word possessive. In other words, "I ate Amanda's arm." It was her arm that I ate, so it is possessive. You were modifying "gem" into a plural, which should have been "gems".

Also, you forgot the apostophe in the "I'm" above, which is really ironic since you were claiming to be flawless.


Yeah, not the biggest deal (though the dumbing of America sickens me), but you better be perfect in a given area if you want to slam someone else in that same area. Otherwise you just look like a jerk. In fact, even if you are perfect and go around correcting people you look like a jerk, but if you are not perfect, you also look like a big dummy.

^ We agreed in another thread...not so much now. My grammar is Shakespeare compared to Childrengrinder.

What do you mean we disagree. You disagree that "'s" is possessive? You disagree that correcting people as a way to make yourself feel superior doesn't make you look like a jerk? What?

BTW I would not have pointed out anything if you hadn't asked.

I thought this thread would be about albums. There are too many songs to list from each album I own that I would consider "hidden gems". This thread would be much better talking about certain albums that aren't praised or talked about much that are something special.
I thought this thread would be about albums. There are too many songs to list from each album I own that I would consider "hidden gems". This thread would be much better talking about certain albums that aren't praised or talked about much that are something special.
Fixed. Since you care to join the actual discussion of my thread.
Dude, don't get all pissy about the off-topic direction "your" thread has taken. You started it. :lol:

I think Illdisposed - Submit is an album that totally rules. But nobody ever seems to even bring up Illdisposed, and if they do they tend to focus on the earlier stuff. Submit is killer!
They are from Denmark. If you have heard any Panzerchrist you have heard the singer, Bo Summer.

On earlier stuff they are pretty standard brutal death metal. I can't even remember what way they leaned, but it was more like US DM, like New York or Fla. style. Not like old school Swedish or whatever. On Submit they added more groove (which I know can be a bad word) and they seemed to add more processing to the already deep vocals. Songs are short and brutal and to the point, but adding that groove and some melody, they acheived a lot more motion in the music, and more emotion than previously.
^Sounds interesting...I remember coming across album cover w/ needle and spoon which I thought was some gay nu-metal band. Check out that Hatesphere album if you're looking for a nice "groove" element. They remind me of a thrashy Unearth with Carcass riffs and Pantera vibe to them. Also from Denmark.
Actually I typically do not like too much groove, but I think it can add life to some stuff. Also, never compare anything to Pantera if you really want me to check it out. I am a Panteraphob. I think they are Panterrible. But I will see if I can dig up some samples from that Hatesphere album. Thanks!
:cool: Yeah, listening to Non-Anthropogenic makes you want to go to battle. described to me first as an atmospheric black metal band...but they are more than that. The WAR vibe they give out is different than when Amon Amarth speaks of war. http://www.myspace.com/v28band

Maybe I'll have to check them out. I love a good war vibe in metal. I saw them described as "industrial" black metal, which turned me off a bit.
^ I dont see industrial anywhere. They have samples of planes *overhead* at times I think and samples of random voices. Dont think Ministry if you think industrial. Far from that.
Zargof - Departure For the Cosmic Twilight is a hidden gem of the Brazilian black metal scene. Too many Brazilian bands are abrasively satanic and aggressive, but Zargof go against that by composing symphonic black metal with a warm, tropical atmosphere that reflects the nature of the country's environment.

This EP contains only three real songs, but each is a real gem, perfect for fans of Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse.

Nice work Zeph. Will definitely be checking that out since atmospheric blackmetal interests me. Also forgot to add Alchemist. You dont hear them mentioned often. Organasm killz.
I don't know if it's underrated, but Borknagar's The Olden Domain doesn't seem to get mentioned around here too often. This album is hauntingly epic and "Om Hundredeaareralting Glemt" would fit seamlessly into the Final Fantasy IX soundtrack.

Also, I think Children of Bodom's Hatebreeder doesn't get enough credit. It is a very well-written album that is condescended merely because the band decided to break out into the mainstream. To me, that doesn't detract from the credibility of the album.
I don't know if it's underrated, but Borknagar's The Olden Domain doesn't seem to get mentioned around here too often. This album is hauntingly epic and "Om Hundredeaareralting Glemt" would fit seamlessly into the Final Fantasy IX soundtrack.

The Olden Domain is indeed a great album, which showcases top-quality musicianship from Oystein and passionate vocals from Garm. This album tends to be overlooked by many because it is overshadowed by Borknagar's later releases. Many regard it as their best (I'll rank it third or fourth) because of it's captivatingly organic sound that truly reflected the spirit of nature which inspired the music to be written. I think this album represent's Garm at his vocal best before he started to develop a higher range as seen on The Sham Mirrors and later Ulver albums.