

Jul 6, 2001
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I saw a music video yesterday with a band named "Otep"(!)
Quite close :)

Anyway...It was like Nu metal with a girl rapping and growling sometimes, I think the songs name was tric, sick or something.

The drums and music was very slipknot sounding. What is this? New Nu metal crap or is it an old band?
Yeah, I downloaded their "Jihad" ep some months ago...
Haven't listened much to it...but nu-metal it is...
I thought about posting a thread like this,
because it annoys me that their band-name is so close to
Opeth, while their music is so far away from Opeth... >:eek:P
I'm afraid people will hear this band and then hear Opeth
and say "Opeth really have a lame band-name,
it's almost the same as Otep, how stupid"... Hehe...
But then again....
They're just missing out on the greatest band ever :eek:)
My guess is that "Otep" is a variation on "Hotep," which would suggest some kind of egyptian imagery..

There's just something about a girl growling that's so..primal. Pretty erotic, really.
when i mentioned opeth to a friend he confused them with otep :mad: , and due to funny circumstances that followed he now calls opeth otep on purpose now, like a private joke :mad: , just thought id mention that annoying fact, and yeah they are nu-metal im told.
That "Otep" name really worries me...I really dont want people think Im listening to Otep just beacause some missunderstanding.

Can be really embarrasing! (does it spell like that?)

By the way...the female growler was a really cute and foxy one ;)
Originally posted by Sputnik
By the way...the female growler was a really cute and foxy one ;)
i just went to their site, and i agree, she is cute. but dammit, could she be any more disgustingly trendy if she tried? (and actually, she is trying, which is quite ironic.) she's even posing in unnatural positions so as to show off her tattoos better. gag. and that anarchy shirt. dumb trendsters.

and i wonder if their record sales will go up or down with a name like jihad? probably up. gross.
Originally posted by Lina
and i wonder if their record sales will go up or down with a name like jihad? probably up. gross.

Nop, they are going to change the EP title,
can't remember to what though....
Whooooh! I'm updated... I feel stupid!
That's what I get for reading metalhammer... :eek:/
well talking about katatonia is really annoying when people confuse them with the welsh ones :mad: , after about a year of it i give up correcting people, and my friends have to quickly jump in and say ''not the welsh ones'' to whoever asked because theyre scared i might flip. :lol: