

Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Where did The Sudden No Bands But old school rulling thing appear? I have always felt free for 2 years running to discuss anyband I wanted hahahahaha or am I just Imagining things hahahaha:wave: :worship: :puke: :yow: :hotjump:
JonnyD said:
Where did The Sudden No Bands But old school rulling thing appear?

:lol: Was wondering about that myself. It's just some of the new guys getting a feel for the board.
When I joint on regular basis we were discussing both and a lot of new bands with "old vibe", but new bands too that may appeal the old listener. Of course mallcore is ABSOLUTELY out of the question :mad:

Besides that like Fang said:

a) respect of oipinions on a civilized manner
b) the right NOT to read, or NOT to answer if that bothers you
c) the ignore list :devil:
hell boys,half the time we dont even talk about bands!!

cant see any band being off topic,as long as thier rock or metal.i guess people gravitate to here more for our scintillating conversation than anything else anyway.
hahaha Good Point Baldy Ol Boy! hahaha If ya talk to me for more than 5 mins it always turns Into a SinnerRiderfest :D .... I'm Terrible hahahaha.... and yeah Most of the Time when I bring up a Band its Because it has an Old school feel in one way or another ..... But theres no need to be afraid of Posting about anyband W/Exception of Mallcore hahahaha As Long as its in a tasteful Manner hahahaha Sorta I Cant say all my Posts/Threads have Been that Tasteful! But they were certainly all in good fun! :D hahahaha Shit the ADD is Kicking in again
I for one, post on bands, both new & classic stuff. When I post something on a new band, it's because it's something, that I feel the old schoolers might like. I think, for the most part, it's kept to the classic stuff, but there are times when, there's something coming out of left field.... That's my take on this thread...
The Swine's post says it all. We all know each other pretty well now so when we post about a new bands it's because we think one (or more) of the other members will dig it. For the most part as long as it's metal it will fly here. About the only thing that doesn't go ever well would be nu metal and black/death metal (although some of the guys here like some of that)..... oh, and Metallica.... :lol: ... just kidding.
Greeno said:
nu metal and black/death metal (although some of the guys here like some of that)
I feel less lonely now :wave: BTW, there is no such thing as the word in bold is called mallcore there's nothing metal in it.
Greeno said:
black/death metal .

I consider Death Metal to be Old Enough atleast some of it to be Considered Old School and Black Metal Has its HEAVY ties to Old School Metal I remember Hearing COF for the First time and thinkin it sounded Like Iron Maiden on Killer Crack-Cocaine! ...... So Granted Most Really Really Old guys Like Greeno cant take it haahahah J/K Buddy! ... But it does have its Place ..... :wave: Have a nice day!:wave: :loco:
Greeno said:
And proud of it by the way! :)
Count me in too :p. Besides I did had my Death Metal era (rabid fan of Cannibal Corpse btw), but is long gone and only some videos in my collection testify that :D

As for Black (at least how is know today) I hate it. All and all I have one Impaled Nazarene album and of course Hellhammer classic "Apocalyptic Raids". My next stop is to have Venom classic albums, the ones that started all (Possesed and Bathory must be acknowledged too, but I don't like them :ill: ).
I really dont think that in Actuallity Venom was a Black Metal Band ... But instead A really terrible Rock and Roll Band The more I listen to em the more they remind me of Motorhead on a REALLY bad night Granted Every Black Metal band since has covered "Black Metal" at one point or another But They were Fake just as COF is Ummm yeah hahaha
Greeno said:
And proud of it by the way! :)

Same here :loco: I like some Black, but prefer it live than for the power of such a live gig. But very little recent black metal bands I can enjoy...a band falls or stands with good vocals in MY opinion... on the other hand, I haven't been into new Black Metal either (don't buy any as I'm pretty sure I won't like it...). Oh yeah, don't be wrong; Venom IS black metal, be sure of that !!!!! :D
JonnyD said:
hahahaha I guess I'm just to young hahahah Black Rock Maybe hahaha its Just my opinion and I am sorry that its not Humble :loco:

Yep, must be the age thing man :ill:
Venom was a damned hard Black Metal band in the 80's !! :loco:
carnut said:
Yep, must be the age thing man :ill:
Venom was a damned hard Black Metal band in the 80's !! :loco:

hahahahah I cant Help that I was born in '78 ...... But I have tried REALLY hard to get into Venom I really have I liek prolly a total of 4 songs besides Black Metal....... But I will take your word for it sir! :D