Let me be the party pooper here,

Some great releases this year

Ehnahre - Douve (Although they have a few other albums, they have finally nailed it--avant garde doom/bm--strange, decadent - soo good)

Ulver - ATGCLVLSSCAP (easily their best since perdition city--came out so early in the year)

Torture Chain - Wasting Syndrome (fuck yes)

Eternal Champion - Armor of IRe (see above + metals)

Khemmis - Hunted

Urfaust - Empty Space Meditation (good!)

Stilla -- Skuggflock (till den som skall komma - yes please..)

Plebian Grandstand - False Highs, True lows (A nice combo of peste noireish filth with orthodoxy bm)

Circle of Ouroborus - Uskottomien Kirkossa comp and Kotinnpaluu (the former is more of their hazy fog clean electric material--awesome--the latter is similar but with better harmonies on the clean vox--they have really improved in this area over the last few years and continue to be one of my fav bands )

VIII - Decathexis (twisted proggy bm --most underrated release of year, possibly)


Kayo Dot - Plastic House... (I like this direction/style, but it's essentially a continuation of Coffins)

In the Woods - Pure (I was not expecting greatness here-needs more experimentation--if they do decide to stay together lets mix it up more-)

New Bethlehem (solid return to form)

Perturbeator - Uncanny Valley

Forgotten Spell - Epiphaneia Phosphorus (riff fest)

Krallice - Hyperion (great, and they released a new album in December)

Jute Gyte (mind fuckery)

Imperial Triumphet EP (next full length will be somethjing special