It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I'm sure Jaykeeley will delete this post and seek Deron out to ban me from RC, so anyone that wants to know what's up, feel free to pm me.

It appears over the last 24 hours that a email discussion escalated into the realization that apparently JayKeeley has been building a case in his mind to have me leave RC. I wasn't aware there was a problem.... until yesterday.

Kinda sucks to know that I am being forced out of something that I helped build from the ground up, something that I have staunchly defended and proudly promoted for the last few years of my life.

If people can't disagree and still wok together, what the fuck is the world coming to??

Go to the website, I have been removed from the staff page. All of my work is still up, but I am gone. Seems to me, PJ is getting the

A sad day indeed.
An argument over promos vs. classics that was blown out of proprotion, by myself (in a drunken stoned haze) and Jay....

I continue to review promos sent to me, others on staff don't. It's really no big deal. The labels aren't bitching.... I guess certain people on staff haven't been productive, and now they are, due to reviewing classics, which is fine by me.
Demilich said:
except this isn't really a job and it's JK's thing and i never liked you anyways! :loco:

See, that's cool, but I never said it was a job, was just using ametaphor to explain a feeling..

Since most of you aren't aware. RC was started as a team and in the beginning the credo was "everyone is equal" somewhere along the way, that changed, without discussion and someone, who at his own admission, assumed the role of dictator... but the odd thing is, I wasn't aware that he actually felt this way until yesterday, and I know Evil C wasn't aware either! Can't speak for anyone else.

And I don't want to put words in Jaykeeley's mouth. So, I might just post the entire email exchange for you all to draw your own conclusions from.
well I hope it turns out for the best! has Jay put more financially and managment-wise into it than you other originals? naturally, i'm a new guy around here so I don't know any of the history of this place other than all the funny "inside joke" things that all us newcomers get a quick education in!
Demilich said:
well I hope it turns out for the best! has Jay put more financially and managment-wise into it than you other originals? naturally, i'm a new guy around here so I don't know any of the history of this place other than all the funny "inside joke" things that all us newcomers get a quick education in!

Jay has put in waaaaaay more money than any of us, but that's by his own design. We all offered to pitch in, but that would mean relinquishing some of the decision making, I guess... See, I just don't even know, because the monetary issue was an issue and brought up, and then when we all offered to pitch in, no one ever asked for the $$, no one told anyone an amount that they needed....
Well maybe he feels as if you were holding back the growth of RC. He needed to weed out the weakest member. So RC can strive to new heights.

Rumor has it you're being replaced by Billy Milano.
Papa Josh:
Seriously now, try to answer this seriously. Ok all these happened
Why do you make this thread? (and im not making this question like im doing it to ask about useless "im drunk i rule" threads)
What do you want to do, express ur frustration with us?
Ask us to comfort you?
I mean, this thing is personal between you and Jay..
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