It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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Atlas Shrugged said:
Well maybe he feels as if you were holding back the growth of RC. He needed to weed out the weakest member. So RC can strive to new heights.

Rumor has it you're being replaced by Billy Milano.


That would be fine if it were true. But again, except for speculation, it's really hazy as to why he doesn't want to associate with me anymore.
IOfTheStorm said:
Papa Josh:
Seriously now, try to answer this seriously. Ok all these happened
Why do you make this thread? (and im not making this question like im doing it to ask about useless "im drunk i rule" threads)
What do you want to do, express ur frustration with us?
Ask us to comfort you?
I mean, this thing is personal between you and Jay..

I am expressing my frustration and lack of understanding, because like I said, I wasn't ever really made aware of any sort of problem....

And Jay has already told me he wasn't going to ban me and that he was gonna let this thread go on, so I respect that, but I am still fuckin-A baffled as to what has happened in the last 24 hours.....
weird i see a few new reviews of yours posted on the RC site dated today ... i personally like your reviews as we seem to have similar tastes. you certainly review new releases which is cool in my book.

I always felt there is way too many "new" reviews of classic discs on the site. but hey ... I am here for the people more than anything else.

patch it up fellas !!!
If Keeley is putting in most of the money, he should be able to do whatever he wishes with his site. Obviously this thread was made in an effort to garner support for your case, and to stronghold Jaykeeley into reversing his decision by grabbing a little RC sympathy.
Atlas Shrugged said:
If Keeley is putting in most of the money, he should be able to do whatever he wishes with his site. Obviously this thread was made in an effort to garner support for your case, and to stronghold Jaykeeley into reversing his decision by grabbing a little RC sympathy.

:Smug: :loco: The thought crossed my mind, and I mean, in all honesty, I am still trying to understand what I did!!!!
Man, Jay, talk to me, chief.
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