It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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lurch70 said:
excuse my ignorance but why do classics need to be written up and promoted? they are already "classics" for a reason ... most people know they are good releases.

as a reader of your webzine, I am not sure what is the point of this move?

I'll explain this, since it's being turned into the focus, when frankly, it has nothing to do with the final decision.

Recently, the staff writers have all hit a slump. Our review output has been slow, and so we needed something to revitalize ourselves. So I came up with an idea for everyone to take a break from promos and just write 5 albums that they have some personal attachment to. You know, something they would enjoy writing.

It's just something to get the juices flowing, for a bit of fun. I explained this all in the thread too. I even mentioned that you guys would probably own most of the albums that we write about, but it's really just for ourselves, just to build momentum.

Kind of like a fun "assignment" memo: "Guys, assignment of the day, take a day off and go to the beach".

That kinda thing.
What lead up to there being a final straw? Like I said last night, you are a walking contradiction. Fuck a pissing match, cuz we all know who would win. :Smug:

Yes, I want my input removed from RC, it's obvious that for some reason our ideologies don't match, whatever that means, I don't know what my ideology is in the first place.... but, having said that, if they don't match, why would you want any of my input on the music biz or music in genral on your site, detracting from whatever it is you're trying to do that i'm not accomplishing somehow....

if you had a problem with me, you should have addressed it before it came to this "final straw".... you said yourself it wasn't an overnight decision....
He says we've all hit a slmup. I just posted 4 reviews within the last 24 hours and they were all promos.

In the last few weeks in fact, I had posted quite a few reviews.

I still don't see why people can't review what they want. As that is what you were saying you wanted to do. Well, I want to review the frrebies that are sent my way that i enjoy. No, not the poopcore that MB or CM put out, but shit that i actually ask for.

CORRECTION: 4 reviews, I was fired as I went to post my 5th!!
Erik said:
Um, this has been discussed too. Maybe I worded it poorly. It's not necessarily about only reviewing "Master of Puppets" and "Volume 4", more about giving support to the bands that deserve it. You know, instead of giving free webzine space to the 6000th trendy poopcore band that Metal Blade churns out or the 50404040th Darkthrone clone, we'd focus on the Negurã Bungets of the world... and also on reviewing "personal classics". I mean, does the metal world know how fucking awesome "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" or "Jormundgand" are? Doubt it.

Yes, this is an excellent point.

Rather than review another shitstain, I felt that it would be better to spend that same effort discussing a band that each writer thinks has some relevance, or indeed, deserves some support just because they've been widely ignored by the corporate labels.

Yes, when this first started, I was excited as heck to be working with all the big labels, but then over time, I realized that they essentially just take mainstream ideals and push that out to the metal community. That's why they sign the "safe bets" and we get crap puked out on us.

Josh believes that ALL metal is underground, I disagree. I think there are some bands that will get exposure on MTV2 and land on OzzFest etc, and others that will be ignored forever and a day.

I'm here to support the underdog. Why review the next metalcore release that will only garner a 4/10 score, nobody will read, nobody will buy etc. We do not sell anything on our site, it's our hobby, so we write for ourselves.

Remember RC is self financed. I reject any notion that we will EVER sell ad space on RC. That banner I had for The End Records on the old site didn't cost Andreas at The End a single penny. I just supported him because he is the sort of guy I want to support.

But that has little to do with what's happened....

Again, I accept that people have differing opinions etc, I welcome that. I provide an open platform for people to write what they want plus provide the open forum for discussions such as these. I just don't see why I should continue to be uncomfortable with the people I work with. I mean, there's really not much more to it, I just couldn't handle the outbursts and melodrama any longer, so I made a choice.
You've got to be kidding.

What melodrama DOESN'T exist around you?

I'm not about to start a list here. This is the sort of delusionary weirdness that is so completely unecessary. It's like moodswings at the toss of a coin.

Seriously, I am not getting into this on the forum. I've made my position clear, and I'm trying to keep it amicable, but as usual, you are trying to pick fights and drag people down.
JayKeeley said:
You've got to be kidding.

What melodrama DOESN'T exist around you?

I'm not about to start a list here. This is the sort of delusionary weirdness that is so completely unecessary. It's like moodswings at the toss of a coin.

Seriously, I am not getting into this on the forum. I've made my position clear, and I'm trying to keep it amicable, but as usual, you are trying to pick fights and drag people down.

Don't try twisting shit around.... you've kicked me down... and for really no outlined reason that I was ever made aware of, i didn't realize that my belief (since childhood) that all realmetal is underground was a problem for you. I didn't realize that having a discussion and realizing other people having different viewpoints and being cool with that and still able to work with them was a problem for you.
Papa Josh said:
Aside from yesterday, what melodrama??
Are you fucking joking? I'm not going to make a list either, but every time someone makes a suggestion you disagree with or says something you don't like, you become UNGLUED. I've been witnessing that for over 2 years. It's childish. It's annoying. It's old.
One Inch Man said:
Are you fucking joking? I'm not going to make a list either, but every time someone makes a suggestion you disagree with or says something you don't like, you become UNGLUED. I've been witnessing that for over 2 years. It's childish. It's annoying. It's old.

wtf are u talking about?? Man, I can't wait for Evil C to get home and get on here, we were discussing this last night at my house.... like I said last night... emails are the worst kind of communication... text is consistently taken out of context... From the day of creation, I've never spoken to Ali once on the phone... :erk:
How old are you dude?!?!? You do realize this is simply the internet? And the fact that you have spent the past 2 hours with about 20 posts of stupidity just made me lose all respect for you my friend. No wonder why you're billy milano's proverbial chew toy. Let it go. Jaykeeley and everyone here at RC are good fellow's. This isn't SOT. This is where you go discuss music, have a few laughs, have some friendly discussion, and then carry on with your day. It's not a place where you come to vent about something that happened last night on email. And not only do you drag all the RC posters into this shit. But now you're bringing in another forum to add fuel to the fire. If this is any indication of how you are on a normal basis, I can clearly udnerstand why nobody would wish to work with you.
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