It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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I don't really have any idea wtf is going on here (and how can I without knowing more specifics of the past and this email convo) but I have to feel sorry for Papa. If he's not bullshitting ignorance here just to bait JK into mud slinging on this thread and truly is in the dark about this, that's crappy.

He really does seem to be in the dark, however, and looks to have been caught way off guard. If specifics won't be posted here, email the guy.
Atlas Shrugged said:
How old are you dude?!?!? You do realize this is simply the internet? And the fact that you have spent the past 2 hours with about 20 posts of stupidity just made me lose all respect for you my friend. No wonder why you're billy milano's proverbial chew toy. Let it go. Jaykeeley and everyone here at RC are good fellow's. This isn't SOT. This is where you go discuss music, have a few laughs, have some friendly discussion, and then carry on with your day. It's not a place where you come to vent about something that happened last night on email. And not only do you drag all the RC posters into this shit. But now you're bringing in another forum to add fuel to the fire. If this is any indication of how you are on a normal basis, I can clearly udnerstand why nobody would wish to work with you.

At the end of the day, you don't know me, you're right this is the internet. I am a stay home dad, with my own business and did this as a hobby.

Does that put it into better perspective for you? I have two kids that I didn't see sometimes because I was writing for RC or doing RC related stuff. I love music, which is why I did it. And this is the thanks I get.... and like I said, you don't know the whole story... PJ ain't the only primadonna around here... in fact, when JayKeeley and Gugs approached me about helping launch this as a TEAM effort, I seem to remember a lot of discussion that was very anti-Appropriate Apocalypse... so... let the truth be told.

Sometimes it hurts.
O.K you feel betrayed. I get that much. But why expose your wounds to the world? What do you expect to happen? An RC boycott from the Papa Josh faithful?!? Just be a man about things and leave it be. There's a million and 1 zines that would love to have you. So turn that frown upside down and convey this negative into a positive.
Atlas Shrugged said:
O.K you feel betrayed. I get that much. But why expose your wounds to the world? What do you expect to happen? An RC boycott from the Papa Josh faithful?!? Just be a man about things and leave it be. There's a million and 1 zines that would love to have you. So turn that frown upside down and convey this negative into a positive.

Already doing that, I just want people to be real with one another... obviously, some aren't capable of that.

But no, no boycott or anything ridiculous like that... when tyrannical tendencies start to appear in something that started as a team, then things are fracturing, only a matter of time, I guess...

In all honesty, it was obvious that Jay had some sort of problem he kept hid for quite some time as of last night...

My getting on here is no different than talking to a friend on the phone about what happened last night....
JayKeeley said:
PJ - tell us when you're done, so then I can close the thread. Thanks!

According to you,

"I've changed my mind about this being a team. From today, I am
bringing in a Saddam like tyranny to RC. I am ruler, I am god. Tomorrow I
will gas some kurds and burn an oilfield. I pay the bills. I decide whether
RC lives or dies. It's my site."

So, do what you want, it's your site, you are the Lord of the house.
Papa Josh said:
"I've changed my mind about this being a team. From today, I am
bringing in a Saddam like tyranny to RC. I am ruler, I am god. Tomorrow I
will gas some kurds and burn an oilfield. I pay the bills. I decide whether
RC lives or dies. It's my site."


I make myself laugh sometimes.

Anyway, carry on. Like I said, the entire RC staff were on all exchanges so they've already seen this.

Papa Josh said:
Let's not forget you were the one who said you were leaving it open...

Yeah sure, I'll close it when you're ready. I won't delete it. I just don't see the point in this carrying on and giving the forum a bad vibe.

You're just doing what you do, we all know that and expect it. This is what you do. I think you've proven all my points today in this thread. I don't think anyone is "confused" anymore about why we're parting ways with you, so there you go.
JayKeeley said:

I make myself laugh sometimes.

Anyway, carry on. Like I said, the entire RC staff were on all exchanges so they've already seen this.

Yeah sure, I'll close it when you're ready. I won't delete it. I just don't see the point in this carrying on and giving the forum a bad vibe.

You're just doing what you do, we all know that and expect it. This is what you do. I think you've proven all my points today in this thread. I don't think anyone is "confused" anymore about why we're parting ways with you, so there you go.

And again, you avoid the question, like a politician. What did I do aside from disagree with the promo/classic argument that lead to all of this? What sort of pattern of behavior are you trying to point out?

I would like to know...
Atlas Shrugged said:
How old are you dude?!?!? You do realize this is simply the internet? And the fact that you have spent the past 2 hours with about 20 posts of stupidity just made me lose all respect for you my friend. No wonder why you're billy milano's proverbial chew toy. Let it go. Jaykeeley and everyone here at RC are good fellow's. This isn't SOT. This is where you go discuss music, have a few laughs, have some friendly discussion, and then carry on with your day. It's not a place where you come to vent about something that happened last night on email. And not only do you drag all the RC posters into this shit. But now you're bringing in another forum to add fuel to the fire. If this is any indication of how you are on a normal basis, I can clearly udnerstand why nobody would wish to work with you.


JayKeeley said:
You're just doing what you do, we all know that and expect it. This is what you do. I think you've proven all my points today in this thread. I don't think anyone is "confused" anymore about why we're parting ways with you, so there you go.
Papa Josh said:
And let me pose this question, do you all, who I consider to be part of an online community that I enjoy being a part of, like to read about new music, shit you haven't heard, regardless of whether it's a brand new band or a classic band?

Of course, that's my main incentive for reading this forum and most of the reviews, discovering great music, new or old, is something that never ceases to make me happy. While I agree that the site needs more reviews of older albums and shouldn't be burdened by reviewing countless promos that will never appeal to the writers, I think new music should always be the priority of any zine that isn't specifically dedicated to a period in time.

I'll miss reading your reviews...
It seems to me like you guys have been working together for quite a while, and all of you have made some sacrifices to be part of the "RC-Team", some more than others. Too bad it had to come to this. Hopefully, PJ will get a writing gig another place, as he is obviously a talented reviewer, and hopefully, Jay and the crew will find someone worthy to take his place.

The easy-going vibe on this forum is what I love the most about it, so I suppose it is for the best at the end of the day.

And, finally, without talking sides here, I do look forward to reading some reviews of the classics, although I certainly don't hope you guys will boycot promos completely. I listened to an album that Erik wrote about the other day. I only bothered because he said it was a bad Immortal clone, and it did suck, but hey, it was one more band I can brag about having heard! :p
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