It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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Papa Josh said:
Well, personally, if JayKeeley truly doesn't like to associate with me and doesn't consider me a part of the RC team, then why hold on to my reviews? Dump them like you did me.

You could ask for them all to be removed, and I'm sure he'd respect your wishes. If you want other writing gigs, I may be able to lend a hand if this whole situation doesn't get worked out.
Papa Josh said:
I am bitter.

Don't I have a right to be?

Especially with the way he went about it. Again, for whatever reason he thinks our ideologies don't mesh... then why would he want have HIS zine associated with my views on music?
It's not exactly about the views on MUSIC though, rather on the MUSIC BUSINESS... At least, that's what spawned the whole hullabaloo, and JayKeeley -- though I will be careful not to put words in his mouth here -- thought your handling of the situation that arose was pretty shit, to put it simply.

I gotta say, also, that as I'm sure you know yourself, you HAVE always kind of disagreed with the rest of the team regarding label relations, promo handling, the commercial side of things, and so on. I mean, this is the way you do things, I am not going to downplay the work you've put into label relations, speaking to PR persons and getting press passes and stuff left and right, but with time that stuff has just come to not mean much to the rest of the team, who was getting burnt out with the whole "music business" deal and wanted to focus more on other things, i.e. music that really deserves the attention RC could give it.

Now as for your content, we intend on adding the old reviews by Black Winter Day, Dark One and whomever else has been on the team at one point but left (WHO will do this WHEN is another thing) so I don't see why your stuff also shouldn't stay on the site -- unless you or JayK don't want it there.

Papa Josh said:
Well, he's apparently not part of the discussion anymore. :Smug:

I don't see him in this thread.
I would guess that he doesn't want this to turn to a 24-page sand throwing fest, and with good reason. The continuing saga of You vs. JayKeeley might as well be done via e-mail.
Erik said:
It's not exactly about the views on MUSIC though, rather on the MUSIC BUSINESS... At least, that's what spawned the whole hullabaloo, and JayKeeley -- though I will be careful not to put words in his mouth here -- thought your handling of the situation that arose was pretty shit, to put it simply.

I gotta say, also, that as I'm sure you know yourself, you HAVE always kind of disagreed with the rest of the team regarding label relations, promo handling, the commercial side of things, and so on. I mean, this is the way you do things, I am not going to downplay the work you've put into label relations, speaking to PR persons and getting press passes and stuff left and right, but with time that stuff has just come to not mean much to the rest of the team, who was getting burnt out with the whole "music business" deal and wanted to focus more on other things, i.e. music that really deserves the attention RC could give it.

Now as for your content, we intend on adding the old reviews by Black Winter Day, Dark One and whomever else has been on the team at one point but left (WHO will do this WHEN is another thing) so I don't see why your stuff also shouldn't stay on the site -- unless you or JayK don't want it there.

I would guess that he doesn't want this to turn to a 24-page sand throwing fest, and with good reason. The continuing saga of You vs. JayKeeley might as well be done via e-mail.

Erik, I respect your opinions as you have been around for a long time as well. But I cannot ignore the condescending remarks that were made to some on the team. I don't know what you mean however, by the way I handled a situation that arose... which situation are you referring to??

As far as I could tell, General Zod and Evil C had no prob with good promos or the way we dealt with labels, that's half of the team.... so where does this all of the team stuff come from???
I don't know what you mean however, by the way I handled a situation that arose... which situation are you referring to??
You know, the 30+ message e-mail thread that rose out of JayKeeley's initial suggestion to move from promos to classics. Some of your messages were, let's say "less than subtle". I'm not going to quote you in a public forum like this.
Erik said:
You know, the 30+ message e-mail thread that rose out of JayKeeley's initial suggestion to move from promos to classics. Some of your messages were, let's say "less than subtle". I'm not going to quote you in a public forum like this.

And again, I explained being in a drunken stoned stupor, and taking the wrong idea from the email...

I have no problem with pasting the entire exchange up for the world to read.
Jay, again, I'm sorry, I'm an
Yep, I've said my peace privately, and made it loud and clear. This is not an overnight decision, and I'm certainly not dragging it out into the public. But yeah, by all means, keep posting whatever you want in this thread. It'll die out eventually, just like all the other 'scandalous' threads.

The entire RC staff were cc'd on the 6 hours worth of e-mail exchanges we had last night, so there is nothing hidden here from anyone else on staff. Everyone has been kept in the loop, just so it doesn't seem underhanded.

Again, writing for RC is a VOLUNTARY position, I was not paying you for any service. If you want to take your reviews with you, I have no problem. If you want to keep them up on RC, I have no problem with that. It's your call! You can keep all promos that you've been sent. You can take all label contacts with you to wherever you go next. I am going for the clean break here, and not turning this into a pissing contest.

This is not a conspiracy, this is not something that we've all been discussing behind your back. This is just the final straw, so I felt it better if we part ways. RC will carry on either way, since it is financed by me.

There's really not much more to add.
initial suggestion to move from promos to classics.

excuse my ignorance but why do classics need to be written up and promoted? they are already "classics" for a reason ... most people know they are good releases.

as a reader of your webzine, I am not sure what is the point of this move?
lurch70 said:
excuse my ignorance but why do classics need to be written up and promoted? they are already "classics" for a reason ... most people know they are good releases.

as a reader of your webzine, I am not sure what is the point of this move?
Um, this has been discussed too. Maybe I worded it poorly. It's not necessarily about only reviewing "Master of Puppets" and "Volume 4", more about giving support to the bands that deserve it. You know, instead of giving free webzine space to the 6000th trendy poopcore band that Metal Blade churns out or the 50404040th Darkthrone clone, we'd focus on the Negurã Bungets of the world... and also on reviewing "personal classics". I mean, does the metal world know how fucking awesome "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" or "Jormundgand" are? Doubt it.
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