One Inch Man said:I don't get this. Ali (that's JayKeeley to those of you that don't know the Secret Handshake) has been open to anything when it comes to RC. One time ONE. FUCKING. TIME. did he criticize one of my reviews, but it turns out he was joking anyhow!
You on the other hand have a conniption fit anytime something swings in another direction, whether it be an idea amongst team members or some stupid shit on the forum. Like I already said, it's childish, it's stupid, and it's old. How many fucking times have you sent off a huge rant to the RC team freaking out about fuck knows what, then as soon as someone says "hey man, calm down" you come back with "oh I was stoned when I wrote that." Fuck that! This is a hobby to me, I don't have time to deal with some unpredictable 5 year old dick throwing sand!
I don't expect you to understand. You weren't around from the very beginning, before it actually even went live.
You and Ali like to talk in vague innuendo, but when pressed, can't seem to recall specifics. What besides the promo/no promo argument have I raised a big fuss about??? And at the end of the day I consceded that argument, and we were all on the same page, just voicing it differently and not hearing one another.