It would appear I am being fired from Royal Carnage

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One Inch Man said:
I don't get this. Ali (that's JayKeeley to those of you that don't know the Secret Handshake :dopey: ) has been open to anything when it comes to RC. One time ONE. FUCKING. TIME. did he criticize one of my reviews, but it turns out he was joking anyhow!

You on the other hand have a conniption fit anytime something swings in another direction, whether it be an idea amongst team members or some stupid shit on the forum. Like I already said, it's childish, it's stupid, and it's old. How many fucking times have you sent off a huge rant to the RC team freaking out about fuck knows what, then as soon as someone says "hey man, calm down" you come back with "oh I was stoned when I wrote that." Fuck that! This is a hobby to me, I don't have time to deal with some unpredictable 5 year old dick throwing sand!

I don't expect you to understand. You weren't around from the very beginning, before it actually even went live.

You and Ali like to talk in vague innuendo, but when pressed, can't seem to recall specifics. What besides the promo/no promo argument have I raised a big fuss about??? And at the end of the day I consceded that argument, and we were all on the same page, just voicing it differently and not hearing one another.
One Inch Man said:
Oh man, if that image is gonna discourage you releasing that I'll delete my post and pretend it never happened, mmmmmmkay? :Spin:

Yah right. You should see the sweet 11x17 prints I have of my version.

However, it would be the best joke to send the artist a link to this one here and say "Can't use my original idea, sorry, have a few hours to do something with From Enslavement to Obliteration"?
One Inch Man said:
I don't get this. Ali (that's JayKeeley to those of you that don't know the Secret Handshake :dopey: ) has been open to anything when it comes to RC. One time ONE. FUCKING. TIME. did he criticize one of my reviews, but it turns out he was joking anyhow!

You on the other hand have a conniption fit anytime something swings in another direction, whether it be an idea amongst team members or some stupid shit on the forum. Like I already said, it's childish, it's stupid, and it's old. How many fucking times have you sent off a huge rant to the RC team freaking out about fuck knows what, then as soon as someone says "hey man, calm down" you come back with "oh I was stoned when I wrote that." Fuck that! This is a hobby to me, I don't have time to deal with some unpredictable 5 year old dick throwing sand!

wow ... the first ever angry post from NAD ... never thought it could happen ...

five stars
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lizard said:
it is a bit out of character....Nad needs to start drinking again :)

I throw a fit every now and again but I always get over it quickly, and then forget what I'm supposed to be pissed about and who I'm supposed to hate :yell:

You're one of the normal ones. Apparently, getting stoned, venting, then coming back and clarifing later is not the way one conducts one self.
I just drink, get silly, vent to my wife, she gives me sex to take the edge off, it's a never ending spiral of spoogy rage!

lurch70 said:
fuck all of you and your gay webzine
yes ... reguilar sex these past few weeks have certainly lifted my outlook ... sex is definetelly a good antidepressant
JayKeeley said:
By the way, history of finding "Pitbull Grindcore" and "Hatebeak": a friend of mine from London (who hates metal in every shape and form, and is mad for acid techno) sent me the links, laughing at me with "is this the sort of stuff you listen to? This and Motley Crue?". :loco:

So anyway, I posted the links here and within 5 minutes, NAD (or One Inch Man for those of you who don't know the secret handshake nudge nudge wink wink) had placed an order for Hatebeak.

Support the underground and the animal kingdom!! :kickass:
The shit is too fucking funny for words, but at the same time really good too. Hatebeak anyhow, what I heard of Caninus wasn't as good. Those dudes have a connection to maudlin of the Well, although I can't remember what.
Papa Josh said:
I don't expect you to understand. You weren't around from the very beginning, before it actually even went live.
What's to not understand about you being an antagonistic asshole? That's all there is to it. You want examples? Check this thread. Check the thread you started in GMD. Check that stupid bullshit you started with Milano, Children of Bodom, GMD, whoever. I don't save old emails otherwise I could probably find a few gems in there as well.

I'm fucking done with this argument, it's lame and I don't care. Now go ahead and tell me how you won it, then I'll agree and move on. I'm over it.
Jim LotFP said:
Yah right. You should see the sweet 11x17 prints I have of my version.

However, it would be the best joke to send the artist a link to this one here and say "Can't use my original idea, sorry, have a few hours to do something with From Enslavement to Obliteration"?
hahahaha awesome.
What's to not understand about you being an antagonistic asshole? That's all there is to it. You want examples? Check this thread. Check the thread you started in GMD. Check that stupid bullshit you started with Milano, Children of Bodom, GMD, whoever. I don't save old emails otherwise I could probably find a few gems in there as well.

I'm fucking done with this argument, it's lame and I don't care. Now go ahead and tell me how you won it, then I'll agree and move on. I'm over it.

cocktails? :loco:
lurch70 said:
wow ... the first ever angry post from NAD ... never thought it could happen ...
lizard said:
it is a bit out of character....Nad needs to start drinking again :)
hahahaha dudes I'm not angry, I'm just putting shit out in public that I've thought for the past 2 years. Josh I'm not mad at you, I'm over it. You pressed the issue, I said my part and now I'm done. You have pissed me off on numerous occasoins in the past, but I wish you good fortune with whatever you do because I don't have time for bad feelings.

lizard that Five Star picture is AMAZING, I'm definitely going to be using that a lot around here.
Holy shit dude, did you show her the Mia interview to make sure she doesn't pee in a Gatorade bottle improperly?!??!?!?
Papa Josh said:
Seems to me a lot of RC people were laughing their asses off at the whole Milano, Children of Boredom deal. And I seem to remember others starting shit at the Opeth board, as well as other baords...

So, why am I being singled out???


What a bunch of fags. LOL

And Nad, to your credit, you let it be known that i was annoying you from time to time with my rants....

But back to Mr. Two-Face.
Yes Josh you win, you've got me cornered into defeat.

Geez, just get the hint now and move on. You're off the zine, your reviews are gone, it's over.

Can I close this fucking thread now???
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