Hold old has to be an old school?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
We usually play allegiance here to bands in the 70's-80's. Been definitively in the 21st century, I begin to wonder where an album from the mid 90's begin to fall in?

I just got a copy or Warhead - "Warhead". The only album (1995) from this UK band (there are bands with similar name in other countries).

For those who haven't hear about them these are their credentials:

Evo (Warfare): Drums/vocals
Wurzel (ex-Motorhead): Guitars
Algy Ward (Tank, ex-The Damned): Guitar
Alan Ward: Bass
Chris Labron: Keys
Julie Marley: Female voices

You put Warfare, Tank, Motorhead, a bit of punk, toss it in a blender and that's Warhead. Pure, uncompromised, in-your-face heavy metal. The keyboards are barely noticeable (this ain't Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica or Skylark), most of the sound is guitar driven. The vocals are harsh but clean an energetic, the rythm section is poundering.

IMO, this is as much NWOBHM as old Avenger or Jaguar. So again how old has to be an album to be old school?

To me Force Of Evil debut is pretty much old school, so is Dream Evil in a sense.

Any commentaries?
I think "Old School" is more an atmosfere that certain bands have. A feeling that reminds you of the 70s and the 80s. At least that's what Old School means to me.
Oldschool has 2 meaning, I guess. There is the oldschool when talking about the bands that were there back in the day, and the the oldschool used to describe new "retro" sounding bands. Maybe "retro" would be a better word to use for them? I tend to think of any oldschool sounding band that did not release an album in the 80's as being retro. They may be oldschool at heart but they didn't go through the war...... if that makes any sense. Either way they are carrying on the sound so it's all good.
I think the cut-off point to what is oldschool and what is not is pretty much an individual thing. I actually know some people that think only Ozzy era BLack Sabbath is Oldschool.
Like Greeno said, I think any band that gives an oldschool vibe is fair game whether they were around in the 80's or not. I made a post about Tad Morose here. They are a swedish prog/power (now definitely more on the power side) band that started in the mid-nineties so they certainly aren't oldschool, but they have plenty of oldschool elements in many of their songs and I think fans of oldschool would enjoy that band that's why I posted it here.

Bryant said:
Like Greeno said, I think any band that gives an oldschool vibe is fair game whether they were around in the 80's or not.
Fair enough indeed. I agree with you both, thanks for the opinions. ;)