Holy crap! European metal!!??

Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
yeah u never heard any u.s. band ...

Yeah, "I heard u.s. band" before! I´ve heard System of a Down, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Rancid, Blink 182, Da Bakckastreeta Boyaazz. Total shiiiiaaat (well, except for Da Bakkastreete Boyazz, they´re not as awful as the others, but that´s just cuz dey have a swedish songwriter writin´ dem songs for them)!
@iofthestorm: welcome to the board! :) here's your flames and there's the door. they're quickly colliding.

edit: btw, it's terribly depressing how you seem completely unable to detect irony. it's not something related to iron.

Originally posted by Guerrilla
Seems that the little green people visited the Dark Tranquility board and stole from its members the ability to detect a joke. :lol:

actually, the only one who didn't get the joke seems to be an outsider. you're not trying to tell me you thought i was serious with my manowar tirade, are you? :confused:

ok, and now for some typical cheerfulness from me:

see, we're all going to die in a stupid war caused by a handful (not all, of course, but sadly most of that handful is in the government) of stupid gringos who think europe is a country and are surprised to find out the US didnt invent metal...
some of nevemore's stuff could be considered "flowery" but if you didn't like it you wouldn't hang in the forum so much!
Well Nevermore's the only band with clean-only vocals I listen to and besides a couple of songs on Dead Heart In A Dead World, everything else is in no way flowery.