Holy crap! European metal!!??


Holy shit.
Aug 27, 2002
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Hey all! Ive been litsening to metal for quiet some time and I recetnly found out that there's many europan metal bands too! I was over at a friend's house and he played some dark tranquility adn in flames and he said there's tons of european metal bands! And I thougt metal was a u.s. thing! I was wrong!! Now Im gonna start listenin to some european bands cause they sound pretty good!!! Im so excited that other countries like europe know what metal is!!!
you got it all wrong, see:

originally concocted by manowar:
Our Armies In England Ireland Scotland And Wales
Our Brothers In Belgium Holland And France Will Not Fail
Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Italy
Switzerland Austria Back To The Glory Of Germany

it's all there, so clearly expressed that even a wimpy false-metaller would understand it, albeit with the aid of an english teacher. now, if you really are into metal:
(a) you are my friend, like it or not
(b) you surely have seen these words before, most likely every time you gaze down towards your feet and meet the oblong shape of your beer belly, whereupon they lie tattooed, engraved, or fire-branded.

it should come as no surprise to you that europe - especially the countries mentioned, for we don't want or need no stinking greece or spain or portugal or s. marino republic - is therefore the very cradle of all that is metal, which means of course everything at all with the possible exception of fluffy bunnies, unless coloured black.
your reasoning is obviously backwards like a solemn hymn to satan on a record: america came later, like a hound dog unleashed on the infidels by the relentless voice of its european master, or some other even more awe-inspiring metaphor.

Originally posted by Guerrilla
Hey all! Ive been litsening to metal for quiet some time and I recetnly found out that there's many europan metal bands too! I was over at a friend's house and he played some dark tranquility adn in flames and he said there's tons of european metal bands! And I thougt metal was a u.s. thing! I was wrong!! Now Im gonna start listenin to some european bands cause they sound pretty good!!! Im so excited that other countries like europe know what metal is!!!

@rahvin: :lol:

Miolo (at loss for words)
@ Guerilla:
*Do you know that we have washmachines in Europe? We don't have to find a fountain anymore...
*No no, Cannibalism was thousands years ago...
*Look @ these forums out there, it's full of european bands...
*No, Iron Maiden is definetly NOT from the US!

Cheers mate! ;):) :cool:
@Guerrilla: Glad to see that you have finally seen the light. To make a statement like "metal is a U.S. thing" though is preposterous! I think the U.S. is generally a disgrace to metal...thank the powers that be for other continents:) .

@rahvin: well put my metal friend;)
I think the U.S. is generally a disgrace to metal..
what do u say u ignorant fool ?
u.s.a. has slayer,morbid angel, nevermore, jag panzer, queensryche, fates warning, symphony x , omen, cirith ungol, helstar , metal church, overkill, anthrax, agent steel and TONS of other superbe metal bands .
i hate it when ignorant fools say shit
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
what do u say u ignorant fool ?
u.s.a. has slayer,morbid angel, nevermore, jag panzer, queensryche, fates warning, symphony x , omen, cirith ungol, helstar , metal church, overkill, anthrax, agent steel and TONS of other superbe metal bands .
i hate it when ignorant fools say shit

Oh pleasssssse. For fuck's sake. You're human... So. You are ignorant. We all are. :-|

Anyway, of courssssse Europe has metal. Well, I thought the USA only had punkrockbands besides Slayer, Symphony X and Morbid Angel. :rolleyes: :p

Scandinavia!!! :D
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
what do u say u ignorant fool ?
u.s.a. has slayer,morbid angel, nevermore, jag panzer, queensryche, fates warning, symphony x , omen, cirith ungol, helstar , metal church, overkill, anthrax, agent steel and TONS of other superbe metal bands .
i hate it when ignorant fools say shit

Those bands mean shit when compared to swedish master-bands like DOOMDAMN and NUNFUCKER! How very ignorant of you to disregard this.