holy crap i just remembered about this thingy here:

Garden Song
You're depressive, bitter, and have dozens of creative ways to be a curmudgeon. Fortunately, you're getting better, but please leave us out of your healing process.
what i got...

"They Aren't All Beautifull
You're a living expression of frustration. You've seen heaven, and you know what it's opposite is. This frustration can sometimes make you manic, but we all love you for it. We know you know what's going on, just don't blame us if we're scared to hang out with you. Psycho."

that's not nice...
Darkness awaits behind the suff'ring day
Men that waste their lives in search of heaven
Stones are sobbing in a vernal field
Thoughts of spring and cascades before you die.

Stones of October's Sobbing
You're a beautiful person who loves the world, but who is constantly made miserable by people who screw it up. You're pessimistic about anything good coming out of the human race, and would prefer to exist alone in a cottage in the woods, or perhaps with one or two friends. You enjoy the esoteric as well as the basic, and if it weren't for the shit that people pull, you'd be a saint and your home would be an utopia. Unfortunately, this beautiful person is in grave danger of turning to stone. You need to find a way to calm down, and harness your intolerance into activism.

man!! that's so meeEEeee!!! Who designed that test?? The guy must be a freakin genius!
Although you're not completely happy with the way your life currently is, you're extremely optimistic about the way it could be. You know you're not tied down to what the world calls "reality".. and you've almost figured out a way to completely shut it out. You've got a strong will and no one's going to bring you down, because you know better than them. Sounds like you're all set. Good luck!

I thought it was perfect when I got it, too!
girl with a watering can

Your life revolves around your desire to live life the way you did when you were a kid. Everything was beautiful and magical, and you hadn't yet been disciplined out of an innocent imagination. Your nostalgia torments you, and you live life with a hope that there's a way to get it all back. Keep it up, and if you figure it out, let us know!

:err: err, i'm not sure this is right, since none of my answers were geared toward's childhood. but, it's neat nonetheless.
i took that thing back in the day when we just had the mailing list. i got "interlude 4" but i forget what it said about it. i really want to know who designed it, and how it decides which song you are.
Girl With a Watering Can

Your life revolves around your desire to live life the way you did when you were a kid. Everything was beautiful and magical, and you hadn't yet been disciplined out of an innocent imagination. Your nostalgia torments you, and you live life with a hope that there's a way to get it all back. Keep it up, and if you figure it out, let us know!
Yes, I got "They Aren't All Beautiful" as well, and I answered in a decidedly harmless way.
Other than "Heaven and Weak", "Garden Song","Girl...","Stones..." and the above, are there more? (couldn't find the Interlude 4 one)
see, it's designed so that you can't predict the outcome with very very obvious answers. For example: Which powerpuff girl are you quiz.
What is your favorite color?
Blue and Yellow!
Pink and Orange!
Green and Black!

The answers in the motw quiz are laced with esotericisms that directly relate to the songs, and the results are given on a majority basis.