Holy fuck I hate Vista.


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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So I just got my replacement notebook from HP after my wireless card on my original bit the dust and the one they sent me is much better spec wise, 4gb of ram, 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo processor, 320gb HD, etc. So instead of canning Vista and installing XP like I did on my last one, I decided to give Vista another chance because I wanted to take advantage of the 4gb of ram. Except even when I have absolutely no programs open and I'm just staring at my desktop, Task Manager is reporting like 1.4gb of ram in use even with all of the flashy Vista shit disabled and everything set up to look like Windows 95! How the fuck is this possible?! What the hell can I do to get my fucking ram back??
How can you get your RAM back? Abandon those dirty PC-using bottom-feeders and become a member of the glorious Mac-using master race!

There. I said it. I don't agree with it, but I said it, and got it over with, and deprived the Mac snobs here of their fun. :D But in all seriousness, I'd just go back to XP, where you won't need more than 2 GB of RAM (I never have).
Even now running MSN, Excel and Firefox, totalling up the memory being used by every service listed in the task manager still only adds up to 225mb of memory, but task manager says 1.64gb. What the hell is running in the background that could POSSIBLY be using 1.4gb of ram?
mac pwns :worship: does task manager not tell you what is running in the background? weird with mac i can see exactly whats using my resources.
recently did a test in logic with ten tracks with ten plugs on each, and two software instruments, only used 25% of 2gb!!!!
i have macs at work and windows at home, still prefering windows. Im gonna abandon my vista partition though i think, and revert to my xp partition as its niggling me to death. Xp is glorius. Btw, dude whats this about switching to vista to utilise more ram? lol!
You decided to give Vista another try to take advantage of 4 gigs of RAM? You know you can use 4 gigs of RAM in XP? Do you have XP Home and not Pro?
You need 64 bit XP to use 4 gigs of ram. I'd have to buy a copy because I don't have one kicking around but I do have 32 bit XP Pro, but yeah, I can't use all my ram with XP plus I don't know if drivers for XP even exist for some of the hardware bundled with this computer (fingerprint scanner and shit)...
You decided to give Vista another try to take advantage of 4 gigs of RAM? You know you can use 4 gigs of RAM in XP? Do you have XP Home and not Pro?

4GB including system memory, video memory, and probably CPU and HDD caches.

I have yet to have a problem with Vista(other than drivers taking forever to be released, and that wasn't Vista's fault)

I know vista uses some kind of idle ram feature, where it just takes unused ram at the time and uses it to speed up the system, have it ready or something like that, so if you look at it's usage, it will show as being used, but technically it's not.... Read the article that was posted above...