Holy fucking shit, Ghost Inside - Returners

10/25/2010 9:31 PM
From: Damage Studios <myspace.com/damagestudios>
To: Catharsis Recordings (catharsisrecordings@myspace.com)

AWWW dude thanx my man!! It's really awesome to hear the kind words!!
To be honest with ya, i think by now i've forgotten about that entire session hahah but here goes:
Guitar rig....
Mesa Triple Rec i THINK. Red Channel With an overdrive in front, i believe Maxon 808. I THINK. Mics - two 57's... one straight on the cone one at a 45 degree angle on the cone.
Drum Samples...
Holy shit dude i have NO clue. I always rotate them and hardly ever use the same one twice. I CAN tell you that it came out of one of the Drumagog sample library's that I bought. Supersonic Drums. Both kick and snare. But they weren't just samples, the snare and toms are blends. And of course lots of room mic goin on in that mix too i believe.
Always go with my trusty VSS3 (tc electornic) I love the room verbs on it.
anything else man just let me know!! Thanks again for the compliment... it TOTALLY helps!

Read more: http://messaging.myspace.com/index....5&type=Inbox&messageID=94230577#ixzz13UOSEqFK
What I find really interesting is that in their practice room they use a 5150 through a 4x12 on top of a 1x15.

Never heard of anybody else doing this before, and yeah the guitars were done with 5150's.

Love this mix, love this band.

Source: Having TGI stay at mine and drunken talks about production came up.
Mark Tremonti use(d) a 1x15 aswell, and some other famous dude too(can't remember)...

This album is still one of my favourites, the sound just fits and the songs are fucking sick.