Holy S**t! I've been banned from the Maiden BB!

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John Silver said:

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in E:\inetpub\ironmaiden\bb\admin\db_mysql.php on line 93
There seems to have been a slight problem with the Iron Maiden BB database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists. We apologise for any inconvenience.​

wouldnt expect um to close the place with it still working:rolleyes::puke:
Don't worry Silver, we'll make sure LJF remains quiet
And did you get my PM before you were banned?
/V\erc said:
Don't worry Silver, we'll make sure LJF remains quiet
And did you get my PM before you were banned?

I expected nothing less. :)

I didn't get your pm. But I'm not IP banned yet, so you could resend it to the bb'er RockStarALWhite. That's me.
John Silver said:
I expected nothing less. :)

I didn't get your pm. But I'm not IP banned yet, so you could resend it to the bb'er RockStarALWhite. That's me.

Ok. FFS.

Seriously..... whats the obsession with me?

youre fucked in the head
its fucking creepy, truly
quit it.
make fun of all-he likes the same kinda wimpy gay music you do!:loco:;)

yeah, torture the retard is allways a fun game

MRB im surprised at you.

Ive always stuck up for you every time in the past, bet you thought I dont read on here and wouldnt never see what you posted, well you were wrong. Who are you calling a retard?????!
The Drifter said:
Ok. FFS.

Seriously..... whats the obsession with me?

youre fucked in the head
its fucking creepy, truly
quit it.
Now now.. don't allow yourself to get a sense of self-importance, there's no obsession. Plus, I didn't sign up as The Drifter, did I? Let me explain it to you. There are many comedic episodes on the bb and one of the good ones was when you came on ranting and raving about childish troublemakers on the board, and boasting about becoming part of Sabbat. Many of the regulars had a great laugh at your expense and references to it have popped up from time to time. I remembered it recently and to relive old memories I signed up with the Al nick. It was funny, it served its purpose and the few old timers left got a kick out of it. I was the one that sent you a mail to your id posted on your site, notifying you that "someone" was misrepresenting you on the bb. Well it worked. Like the pea brain I hoped you were you came bounding on over, right into my trap. If the board wasn't closing I'm sure I could have worked things to turn this into a more memorable meeting. That is all, adious!
>> Now now.. don't allow yourself to get a sense of self-importance,

You too mate! You're not as clever, big or funny as you think you are

>> there's no obsession. Plus, I didn't sign up as The Drifter, did I? Let me explain it to you. There are many comedic episodes on the bb and one of the good ones was when you came on ranting and raving about childish troublemakers on the board,

that was when you 'adults' came across onto another BB and insulted and upset a group of totally innocent people, some of which were my friends. I came and had a dig back, and you, Ben and grandpa Jeff all got your panties in a twist about it

>> and boasting about becoming part of Sabbat.

I never boasted about being part of Sabbat..... when I had the audition and jammed with them I was really genuingly excited about it (Im allowed to be arent I?) and posted a topic about it for my friends to let them know. Theres nowt wrong with that now is it? I guess some people get jealous. Hence you guys had to start flaming me for it and all I did was vehemently defend the good name of Sabbat and what I was doing. I dont know why you guys feel the need to piss on everyones party but your own little one

>> Many of the regulars had a great laugh at your expense

Many? Who we talking about here.. Ben Iscock? what a tard. Jeff In soCal? bitter old bastard.

woo. What such great and cool people.

>> and references to it have popped up from time to time. I remembered it recently and to relive old memories I signed up with the Al nick. It was funny, it served its purpose and the few old timers left got a kick out of it.

Yes, the key word there being "few"

>> I was the one that sent you a mail to your id posted on your site, notifying you that "someone" was misrepresenting you on the bb. Well it worked.

I received no mail from you that I know of. What and where did you send it? Carla had originally told me months ago someone was taking the piss, and I didnt even bother looking. The only reason I came across was because of someone emailing me askingabout a pic on the sea of madness (about Warren and Ray_M) and I sent her in the direction of the IMBB. I came across to see if shed found what she was looking for, then I noticed your posts, so dont flatter yourself because like I already said, you aint no big or clever guy - not saying you dumb or anything....

>> Like the pea brain I hoped you were you came bounding on over, right into my trap.

....but you're quite happy to call me that there and the only dumb and pea brained (and deluded) person here is the one that believes hes 'set a trap' for me, thinks flaming innocent people is cool or big or clever, and believed I would have given a flying fuck about such a moronic stunt

For someone who claims to be older than me, you need to grow the fuck up.
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