Hey all! Who here's from the original Maiden GC board?

So, what's qualifying me as troll? What if I became a regular poster in here?

Strange idea, eh?
John Silver said:
This coming from a pronounced lunatic on both the Maiden and Bruce bb. Stop trying to project your psychological illnesses onto others, None. :)

As if you're intelligent enough to make an psychological analysis Dr.Silver! What a fuckin whack job you are!

Ahh,if you had an extra pair of lips! I could call you a BITCH! You yap as much as one.

Why don't you go back to that condescending hermetic clique IM & BD bb's then? While you're at it,go fuck gaba a bag in the mouth to shut both of her holes up as well!

(oops,sorry for the fowlness,but what did you expect from a chick?...an egg!)
MetalAges said:
Remind me again what the purpose of this "Iron Maiden" forum is? Seems like nothing goes on here except whining, pointing fingers and he said/she said.

Hmm,about sharing information involving Maiden,unfortunately..you're at "Hey all! blah blah thread. In which we are having a general chat discussion.
Sorry about the manner of John Silver and self on our way of conveying to one another.

Its just that I try to be nice with John,but he's a man who thinks big with his little head and does little thinking with his big head. I can't help that..sorry,really.

As for likes and dislikes in the world,John Silver and gaba a bag would be on my dislike list. Meaning they could be hit by a Mac truck,and I would have no remorse for their injuries.
That's just my way of thinking though,sorry.

BTW,I'm not whining;just apologizing. John Silver is the one who needs the tissue.
MetalAges said:
Remind me again what the purpose of this "Iron Maiden" forum is? Seems like nothing goes on here except whining, pointing fingers and he said/she said.
Another thread from YOU whining. If its such a problem then just close this motherfucker down then and spare everyone the trouble.
Potpossum said:
I try to be nice with John ... John Silver .. could be hit by a Mac truck,and I would have no remorse for their injuries.
Yeah, I can see you're trying to be nice.

Metal Ages: There is probably too much old board issues here currently and I'd be happy to bring some of the discussion back to Maiden (concentrating mainly on the negative side, based on my feelings about new Maiden). But as long as the bitching can be restricted to a thread or two I don't see a big deal.