Homeless people

The Options

  • Exterminate

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Round up and ship to Turkey

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Fuck your Jewish God

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
I'd start with not evaluating them as if they're all one kind of person that share all kinds of important traits.
It's kind of a question of how you balance being humane and not draining tax money, right?

* ignore them, let them dumpster dive / beg, and pay their ER bills when they show up at the hospital
* shut them away in a loony bin, and deal with the various expenses of giving them humane living conditions
* housing projects + welfare benefits

All of those expose the community to financial risks/obligations.

It really gets down to the question, "If a person is starving/freezing to death on your doorstep, do you have an obligation to take them in, give them food, and treat them like family?" That's a pretty damned controversial question, and a lot of people feel justified in believing that they deserve everything they own because that's the way nature works (i.e. if you don't compete, you die). Is there a way to "prove" that no one should be allowed to subscribe to social darwinism?

I'm inclined to think not -- i.e. it's up to the individual to decide whether they value that aspect of nature, and anyone who really cares about having a social safety net should just pay a separate tax that gets divvied out to the appropriate charity orgs (+ have the amount of tax vary based on how many people are signed up to pay it so there's always enough money in the fund). If you really think it's "wrong" for humans to be subject to the laws of nature, just pony up yourself; don't feel entitled to steal other people's money if you can't convince them you're in the right.
Ship them to Turkey. There they find that the majority of the people are like themselves.
In before Dakryn turns this into a serious discussion.

I think if we took a serious approach to curing/controlling mental illness the homeless population would drastically decrease. Most bums are batshit crazy.

How do you know it wasn't being homeless that made them crazy?

no Nemtheanga option?

"I curse the vermin, the vermin of the earth!"

I actually don't know what the Nemtheanga option refers to, but this was what popped into my head. :cool:
Offer help (each city should have at least a couple shelters/safe houses) but don't force them to accept it e.g. rounding them up and throwing them in there overnight. Right to live as you want to live etc as long as you're not interfering with other people (and no, being visible isn't "interfering") and their livelihoods.
Just let them get about picking up scraps of food & cigarette butts. But if they inconvenience any proper citizens in any way, on the ship they go. Any resistance to the ship results in swift extermination by bludgeoning.
I agree with letting nature take its course. If they are smart enough to know how to survive they'll get by ok, if not they'll die, but life moves on.
Voluntary charity is obviously the only moral solution. Instead of freebies and hand outs id create some programs or a system that enables them to produce abundance...even the crazies.
The only problem is you have to have people that will voluntarily, and responsibly be charitable. A lot of shit like tithing doesn't help much.
True. this is why Decentralization and centralization play a major role in homelessness. You have to give the individual incentive to help and a strong local community is one hell of an incentive.
Well they nearly always seem to be ex squaddies (army grunts) who have come back, been divorced and otherwise fucked over, fallen to alcohol big style and then ended up homeless somehow or other.

I say get whichever bitch was cheating on them when they were back in 'Nam/The Falklands/The Gulf/wherever and kick her out of his house and give it back to him, the kids have probably grown up, so fuck that stupid slag, why should he be homeless when he fought for our nation, all that slag did is drop her knickers and squeeze out some sprogs.
What's with all these alternate solutions you people are suggesting? Are the three options in the poll not good enough for you?