hot chick in the 'are you dead yet'? music clip


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2007
just wondering if any1 knows the name of the really hot chick in the 'are you dead yet' music clip??? plz anyone??
That guy who is "main hero" of AYDY video.
I asked it only for my friend. I don't give a fuck about this man x/

Hehehe, sorry for my bad english ^^ I hope that you understand me.
I have no idea who that chick is, but the guy is sooooooo damn emo!!!!!!!!!! LOL. He looks like the same guy that's in the Three Days Grace "Pain" video...both emo. But i thought the music video was really goood...a nice story. Every Time i Die video sux! THe worst i seen but Alexi's HHHOOOOTTT!
marlena your english is fine =)

and that cop was fat in the was with that? fat

"Alexi's HHOOOOTTT" eh...yeah judging from ur name ur a girl irl? lol to u he probably is but to me (a straight guy), he's a kickass guitarist
^Yup, i'm a chick. If i were a guy, that would be sooooo messed up...wronger, than wrong. He's a good looking kickass guitarist/vocalist/lyricist! Anyway, lol, there's proabably a fat cop cuz they eat too many dounuts.
The chick in AYDY vid needs to get a nicer ass, and she looked like a slut.

And Alexi's headbanging is pretty good, (definately not the best) could use a little work, but the kickass guitar-idness totally makes up for it

I think the lead singer of Cannibal Corpse is pretty good at headbanging though. (;