Of course I find myself missing the old name and there's a sense of sorrow and departure, because you know motW was a huge if not the defining aspect of the last 7 years of my life. But progression , in my opinion, is always a good thing and again, personaly speaking is an imperative of my work as an artist.
the name is trippy, if you play with it. i'm starting to like it.

at the very least it's wonderful that you took a risk like this, which i think is fair to label as such.
FuSoYa said:
Well, we decided to change it to Kayo Dot.
i sincerely hope you all appreciated what an amazing response this was.

and i had also wondered the question someone else asked, about which tzadik division the new album would be under- and i think someone mentioned the composition one, which makes sense- although it'd have been interesting to see him open a new division for 'Artists/Projects Formerly Known as maudlin of the Something'.