hot news:"Anthrology..." & "Alive 2" = old shit?

scottishthrax said:
Well said dave!!

I'm just chuffed that there will be new material, and real excited to hear what a Joey / Danny album in 2005/6 will sound like. POT or WCFYA? Will Joey finally contribute some lyrics???

It's a good time to be a 'Thrax fan.:headbang:
The way anthrax write is music is perfect, Scott is perfect with the lyrics and Charlie is awesome with the music, why changing??
Jockthrax said:
I think (unfortunatly) that a new album with Joey and Dan is looking increasingly more likely, it wouldn't make much sense for the band to tour the arse outta this reunion thing then not try to follow it up with an album. You would have to look from Joey and Danny's perspective, would they be happy to come aboard for the best part of a year only to be told "cheers guys it's been a blast but we're fucking off to do an album with John and Rob".
The vagueness of the whole reunion issue makes me think the band are looking at the future along the lines of "lets see what makes more money", which makes me feel very sorry for Rob and Bush.
I hope i'm proved wrong.
I dont think they will do more money with Joey and Dan or with John and Rob.
Matt Bello said:
I dont think they will do more money with Joey and Dan or with John and Rob.

Agreed they are not playing bigger venue's but they are getting asked to perform at things like Donington. Im not sure the Bush era would have been asked or have been so high up on the bill.
johnnyMT said:
No way, the lyrics on the belladonna albums were about bigger issues, like racism and stuff like that, or humorous subjects like on I am the Law and N.F.L and I'm the man, and thats something I can appreciate much more (I know Joey didn't write any of the lyrics btw). They're certainly much more impressive and interesting than another song about relationships or personal conflicts or whatever they write about now.

*Insert $0.02 here*

Bigger issues? I disagree. A large portion of their Belladonnna-era songs were either based on Stephen King books or comix. I personally feel that the band's lyrics matured with P.O.T. & SOWN. Also, I have a good feeling that if Joey would have stayed with the band through the 90s the lyrical content still would have changed & progressed.
Sgt-D said:
*Insert $0.02 here*

Bigger issues? I disagree. A large portion of their Belladonnna-era songs were either based on Stephen King books or comix. I personally feel that the band's lyrics matured with P.O.T. & SOWN. Also, I have a good feeling that if Joey would have stayed with the band through the 90s the lyrical content still would have changed & progressed.

But even singing about Comics and Steven King is more original and entertaining, IMO, than the same boring stuff that they write about now. And that wasn't even all they wrote about back then. Writing about that stuff made them unique, and all the energy was no longer present from SOWN- on and that is why many people lost interest after that. And yes, you might be right about the lyrics changing even if Belladonna would have stayed, but like I said, Belladonna never wrote any lyrics, and as far as I know neither did John, so the singers really had nothing to do with the lyrics at all.
we can never assume what their lyrics would be like if joey had remained the singer.

I will agree though that they were different amongst the crowd of thrash bands back then but singing about more personal issues these days makes them just like many bands.

As I have said, I have liked all eras of anthrax but that is my 2 cents.
johnnyMT said:
but like I said, Belladonna never wrote any lyrics, and as far as I know neither did John, so the singers really had nothing to do with the lyrics at all.

As far as I know John wrote quite a few lyrics for Anthrax...
johnnieCzech said:
As far as I know John wrote quite a few lyrics for Anthrax...

Maybe, maybe not, but I think the major lyricist since Neil Turbin left (or got fired) was always Scott.
Schurl said:
Maybe, maybe not, but I think the major lyricist since Neil Turbin left (or got fired) was always Scott.

NOW I know a solution. The new cd must look like this:
Joey & Dan & Scott write the Lyrics, Bush sings and Joey & Dan should pose on stage and maybe dance a little. :loco:
And all live in peace again.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :worship:
johnnyMT said:
But even singing about Comics and Steven King is more original and entertaining, IMO, than the same boring stuff that they write about now. And that wasn't even all they wrote about back then. Writing about that stuff made them unique, and all the energy was no longer present from SOWN- on and that is why many people lost interest after that.

See what you have done Mr. Wu. You want this as your new fan base. The reunion is bad, but the joey nutswingers are worse.
Joey has and always will rule no matter how bad you bash him, actually I think it's pathetic the way some of you try to voice their discontempt lamming the hell out of him...

He performed the greatest ANTHRAX classic no matter what you say and he is still a helluva frontman, if the only way you know is getting this low you're just pretty pathetic!

I don;t give a flying fuck about lyrics, I wouldn;t say the Bush era lyrics were bad either but who cares, it's all about the's just another sad excuse to bash, bash, bash and bash again...what's next?? Joeys sneakers? Joeys eye-colour??? The brand of Coke Joey drinks??? the lenght of his trousers....come on that's pure BS!

It seems like everybody here in the board that actually prefers Joey gets also bashed beyond belief, if you like Bush that is just "normal" you get a member of the club instantly and everybody (well not exactly everybody but a lot) quoted your posts with the words "agreed" attached....pretty sick and intolerant...

I think a little bit of it is the frustration they actually did better than everybody expected, Joey can still sing, maybe even better than he did way back, Dan can still play the guitar and he plays the leads note for note...they are tight as a band and get even better crowd reactions than ever! The reviews are on average VERY positive to raving, with an occasional bad one (which most of teh time doens;t even is about the music or the performance but just the looks or the dislike for the new "old" members). You just have to accept they can exist without Bush and most definately without Cannagio....
spacebeer said:
I don;t give a flying fuck about lyrics, I wouldn;t say the Bush era lyrics were bad either but who cares, it's all about the's just another sad excuse to bash, bash, bash and bash again...what's next?? Joeys sneakers? Joeys eye-colour??? The brand of Coke Joey drinks??? the lenght of his trousers....come on that's pure BS!

Joey likes Coke? That's it, he's a fucking douchebag and now I like John better! :D :D :D :D :D

Seriously though, some of you Belladonna-fans need to lighten up a bit. (same with some of the hardcore Bush-fans) So some people like the other singer better. Why get yourself so bent out of shape over it. I like both eras of the 'thrax, but have recently preferred the Bush albums. I still like the Joey LPs but it's just that, a PREFERENCE.

Seriously, do you think that Scott & Charlie are going to dump Joey & Dan again (or never return with John & Rob) because of the MESSAGE BOARD?!?!? (I think you know the answer to this)
spacebeer said:
Joey has and always will rule no matter how bad you bash him, actually I think it's pathetic the way some of you try to voice their discontempt lamming the hell out of him...

He performed the greatest ANTHRAX classic no matter what you say and he is still a helluva frontman, if the only way you know is getting this low you're just pretty pathetic!

I don;t give a flying fuck about lyrics, I wouldn;t say the Bush era lyrics were bad either but who cares, it's all about the's just another sad excuse to bash, bash, bash and bash again...what's next?? Joeys sneakers? Joeys eye-colour??? The brand of Coke Joey drinks??? the lenght of his trousers....come on that's pure BS!

It seems like everybody here in the board that actually prefers Joey gets also bashed beyond belief, if you like Bush that is just "normal" you get a member of the club instantly and everybody (well not exactly everybody but a lot) quoted your posts with the words "agreed" attached....pretty sick and intolerant...

I think a little bit of it is the frustration they actually did better than everybody expected, Joey can still sing, maybe even better than he did way back, Dan can still play the guitar and he plays the leads note for note...they are tight as a band and get even better crowd reactions than ever! The reviews are on average VERY positive to raving, with an occasional bad one (which most of teh time doens;t even is about the music or the performance but just the looks or the dislike for the new "old" members). You just have to accept they can exist without Bush and most definately without Cannagio....
I concur that Joey kicks ass and will always be a great singer.

I used to sing and write so lyrics mean a lot to me.

BTW - Both singers rule. Joey set them apart in 80s and John's power made that fucking groove dripp balls

Anyway beers to ya! :kickass:
No matter who's at the mic I will always by Anthrax's music, at least until Scott and Charlie are in the band (it might be some kind of collector's sickness). Yes, I like John's singing much, but I would never say anything bad about the other guy :loco: . I neither saw nor heard the band in 2005, so I need to wait and see.
Anyway, DarbysDad is right, and here's mine to all of you as well :kickass: As the matter of fact I'll drink a shot to you right away, cheers!
I think a little bit of it is the frustration they actually did better than everybody expected, Joey can still sing, maybe even better than he did way back, Dan can still play the guitar and he plays the leads note for note...they are tight as a band and get even better crowd reactions than ever! The reviews are on average VERY positive to raving, with an occasional bad one (which most of teh time doens;t even is about the music or the performance but just the looks or the dislike for the new "old" members). You just have to accept they can exist without Bush and most definately without Cannagio....

I love both era's but I gotta agree with you 100% The band can easily do the same numbers or better than they have during the last 5 years or so..outside of this message board there is a whole bunch of people that love the Belladonna era..
O know for shure actually itr's the reason I came here in the first place!

And no they are not all 30 somethings......

plus it's not like JOhn Bush will be lost forever, IF he will be out of ANTHRAX permenently, he still has AMORED SAINT, and I think he kicks ass with them.
FATLAX said:
See what you have done Mr. Wu. You want this as your new fan base. The reunion is bad, but the joey nutswingers are worse.
Sad yet funny.. and true.
spacebeer said:
O know for shure actually itr's the reason I came here in the first place!

And no they are not all 30 somethings......

plus it's not like JOhn Bush will be lost forever, IF he will be out of ANTHRAX permenently, he still has AMORED SAINT, and I think he kicks ass with them.
And Joey Belladonna still has is SOLO career. :Smug: