Hot Topic Presents...

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Final_Product said:
hot topic is some BS store where they sell the counter culture to the mainstream. the endless cunts who shop there are so desperate to be different and unique they are totally missing the irony of MASS PRODUCING AND MARKETING COUNTER CULTURE. morons.

Sounds shitty. And just checked their webpage, it IS a pile of shit.

What am I also think sucks big ass is, that this will be their fifth US Tour since Release of HateCrew Deathroll. And in same time they did only 2 Europe Tours.
C'mon guys. It were the fans Europe you made you succesfull first. Can't understand why they only play for the Americans.
I didn't mean to say that everybody here is a loser, just the ones that stay here and bitch all day about COB, and I don't care if you don't wanna be a professional musician, but if you don't wanna be a pro musician or make music, don't be an asshole about other musicians, o boy you opened up for a couple good bands, how many great bands has Bodom opened up for or played with? a lot.
"and i love that everyone assumes that the guys like me who bitch about AYDY give that piece of shit the time of day enough to listen to it"
If you don't listen to it then how can you constantly bitch about it?
And I rarely post on anything, and even more rarely reply to shit like this, but honestly, it's been months since AYDY came out, it's doing well, many people like it, nothing's gonna change because of everybody's bitching, so all they're doing is being whiny little bitches about something as little as one CD, it just sickens me how people can be so stupid.
ahh, i've stayed quiet mostly here, just because...well, i mean, i'm sort of an old fogie around here, and ive seen this happen for years with tons of bands.

IMO, my 2 fav albums are SW and HCDR(yeah, first and later, go fig). I actually dig AYDY, it's not the strongest, but there are some songs that I can get into.

But the arguing/trolling from either side IS quite pointless. You get it with anything. I mean, alright, take Metallica. I liked em, like most, up to the black album, and including it...I think it's pretty good overall. But, it indeed DID alienate a lot of the older fans. Same with Slayer..yeah, im not too into the newer stuff(tho their last album was better than the ones after Seasons in the Abyss), but again, old fans alienated. Hell, Slayer i remember even alienated old fans with South of WAS a slower, a bit more melodic(for them) album than their previous thrash opuses.

But seriously, it happens with practically every band. If a band stays the same(i mean, Angus Young was quoted in an interview, and i love this, as correcting the interviewer that they havn't released the same album 10 times, it was 15 times), then they keep their fanbase. But bands will do what they want...if they feel like they wanna change, go for it. Some bands change for the better, some not...but again, i think every band has alienated old fans at one point or another, bands that change anyway.

Happened with ...And Oceans as well. Whent they made their treck to the cybermetal realm(which, to me, i like better...but then i'm a big fan of the industrial/metal), a LOT of older fans were turned off...but they gained new ones. I don't think they changed for them...they changed cos they wanted to.

I dunno. I guess i'm just jaded to bitching on either side anymore cos i've seen so much of it from one thing or another over the years. :p But really...neither side gains anything in the end of 'wow how can you not like the new album it r00lz!!11111' or 'how can you like this shit, old stuff is where it's at, change is teh suck'.

But, alas, it will never change. I'm not defending either side really...i mean, if you like it you like it, great, if not, that's fine too...i've heard bands change and not liked it, too! I think we all have done one or the other at one point in time(liked older or newer stuff).

I'll just sit and watch like i've been doing now. :p
i'm all for change, as long as its progression, when i listened to AYDY i heard a regression, a purposefully dumbed down album, which was aimed at the american market. that is my definition of sell out, they aimed their music so they could make the idiots of the world like them.
st. anger is shit beyond shit not as bad as AYDY, also how is AYDY nu metal? but anyway AYDY has to be my least favourite bodom album
I'm not bitching about Bodom change their musical style. I have to say i like some songs of AYDY very much, like IYF, but it has some very shitty songs like IFYP...PFW, which sounds like Slipknot. But all in all i don't think the album is bad.

Im dissappointed about the fact, that they are touring with crappy metalcore bands now and let them sponsor by shit like Hot Topic. I mean in 2004 they toured with Hypocrisy and Dimmu. So why they tour with Chimaira now and not with real metal bands
AYDY should not be compared with St Anger. All you fuckers who think COB are selling out need to shut the fuck up. Have you ever thought that maybe they wanted to change their style a little. They did 4 albums of melodic metal and now they wanted to try something a little different. Its good that they changed, most bands can only write 1 definte style of music but COB have proven that they can do more whether you like the music or not. St Anger is completely differnt though. That is jsut the death of what was once a great band. I mean it doesnt even have a singke fuckjing solo in it, how can you comepare it to AYDY?
Greg Moore said:
I have to say i like some songs of AYDY very much, like IYF, but it has some very shitty songs like IFYP...PFW, which sounds like Slipknot.

IYWP sounds like Slipknot? I think it sounds much more METAL than any other COB song.
Shadeg said:
IYWP sounds like Slipknot? I think it sounds much more METAL than any other COB song.

The beginning always reminds me of the beginning of the Song "Sic" of Slipknot. Especially the drumming. And also the rest sounds very Nu-Metal to me.
Except the solo which is really great. But the rest i don't like.

Edit: I'm not really an expert in Slipknot and Nu-Metal at all, so i can't judge if its really nu-Metal or not, Just my opinion
Greg Moore said:
Sounds shitty. And just checked their webpage, it IS a pile of shit.

What am I also think sucks big ass is, that this will be their fifth US Tour since Release of HateCrew Deathroll. And in same time they did only 2 Europe Tours.
C'mon guys. It were the fans Europe you made you succesfull first. Can't understand why they only play for the Americans.

I couldnt agree with you man they are from fuckin Europe!. Its all about the USA these days. There trying to be ''popular''. Even fuckin Robbie Williams doens't care for fame in America. Bodom does....what has the world come to...
PanzerKunt said:
Only difference between St.Anger and AYDY is which side of the Atlantic they were spewed out on.

Comparing COB to Metallica is pushing it. And if you are going to Compare AYDY to a metallica album, make it the Black Album. Black Album was called their best sounding album yet when it also slapped all their fans in the face with it sounding too mainstream. (it was also their 5th release ooo)

COB Changed yes, but just because a band changes doesnt mean it was a buisness move. Alexi himself said he hadn't heard any Trivium before the tour (I lost the source to this but im very sure its true), and chances are the band doesn't know these guys, and they probably dont care as lon as they get som e good set time.

I wouldnt consider myself a fanboy-omgalexi!!111 type, but i still like the albums.

Also, who he fuck cares.
If you dont want to go, dont.
If you dont like the album, dont listen to it.
please stop bitching.
shapeup said:
AYDY should not be compared with St Anger. All you fuckers who think COB are selling out need to shut the fuck up. Have you ever thought that maybe they wanted to change their style a little. They did 4 albums of melodic metal and now they wanted to try something a little different. Its good that they changed, most bands can only write 1 definte style of music but COB have proven that they can do more whether you like the music or not. St Anger is completely differnt though. That is jsut the death of what was once a great band. I mean it doesnt even have a singke fuckjing solo in it, how can you comepare it to AYDY?
being able to write different styles and being able to write good music in different styles are 2 totally different things. cob has proven they can dumb down their music and write shitty music in a different genre of the same shit, thats not diversity. and you're right, we can't compare cob to metallica, because metallica was big at one time and then sold out, and cob never got big and sold out to get there.
Ok, Im extremely lost. They're doing a show with a bunch of shitty ass bands? Or a tour? Or what?
hot topic is where all the emo and goth kids in america shop, they make it cool to be a faggot. thats why its a bad thing bodom is on this tour, but its expected, as those kids are who the new album was tailored for.
I don't see how this album was tailored to the american crowd, or how it is dumbed down, or how anybody couldn't see the style on AYDY coming. HCDR was a faster, heavier, thrashier album than FTR, could it also possibly be that Alexi wanted to make this type of album because that is the music he wanted to play? I think the songs are just as complicated and varied as on previous releases. Not bitching to anybody that doesn't like it, but to say it is tailored seems to me to be stretching supposedly how bad AYDY is
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