How about a random picture thread?


Santa Hat Forever
Every forum in the world has one and I haven't seen one here. I mean "me at the park" kinda stuff, not "my setup". Just random shit for all to see.

Me and my lady up at the Tower of Hercules, oldest working lighthouse in the world or something like that. Me striking an effortlessly ridiculous "Immortal" pose

Me and my brother at our very first 3-D movie experience. Avatar. AWESOME.
I was never big on taking pictures but my girl apparently is so i got a few from her

Me and the wife at her cousins wedding...this is AFTER the open bar, how i managed to keep a strait smile is completely beyond me


At another wedding (we went to like 5 this year)...again after the open bar so i just needed a place to sit lol


And then me at the ripleys museum

Me trying to match beer for beer with my giant German friend Jan at a club called The Logo (I think)

How I was found in my hotel many hours later on the same night (morning)
^bricks have been shat :D (i thaught i would be a brick shitting pic myself but for the white-haired guy. didn't notice the woman before you posted. :loco: )

edit: and my post ist not about the dog anyway, haha. you posted while i was writing my reply.
When you see it you'll shit bricks...

thanks for that haha i actually meant to say it but completely one has any idea who that white haired guy is...he was at the reception and everything and we all just looked at each other like hmmm whered he come from...did a mean electric slide though!
Fuck yes Felix, that pic just represents ultimate contentedness to me :lol:

Yeah absolutely, Marcus. I think I have made more pictures of food than any other pics :lol: It was just a dream for a junk food fan like me. I will never forget those steaks in "the dukes" and the Pizza in one of this phantastic delis near the grand hyatt hotel. Caution, hungry brothers. I´m in the mood to post those pics :kickass: